Everything in this Universe is Torus Shaped Energy.

Émilie Châtelet, stated in her hypothesis, ‘Conservation of Total Energy.’

‘Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.’

I Am Created Everything.

I Am Sent Everything through a Big White Bang.

I Am will Return to Everything through a Big Black Hole.

With Love and Divine Light.

Van Allen Radiation Belt is a Torus or Toroidal Field of energetically charged particles of electrons and protons with radiation, originating from solar wind, that are captured and held around Earth by this planet’s magnetosphere. Earth’s two main belts extend from an altitude of about 640 to 58,000 km (400 to 36,040 mi). Their main purpose is to protect the atmosphere of the Earth. Without this Toroidal Field, Homo sapiens could not exist.

Kitigarbha (pronounced shee-tee-gahr-buh) needs a special mention as an Ascended Master, Eternal, or Bodhisattva who has vowed not to leave us stranded on Earth in the Sun Solar System or, indeed within the Universe until all of us have Reawakened and returned to the Light or Source Energy. We are not alone, alienated, separated, or abandoned. Open your hearts to face towards the Light. Simply turn around 180 degrees from the path leading away from the light and go home towards the Light again. We have finished expanding the Universe away from the Light and are now collapsing the Universe back to the Light or Source Energy. This, simply, is the way Magnetic or Torus Energy flows – from Source back to Source.


These extra acknowledgements are really to recognise the Duality Thinking and Encompassing Thinking backgrounds within this story.

The Duality Thinking Background.

Western Scientific Research indicates that the Earth is a spacecraft hurtling headlong through plasma space of the Milky Way Galaxy and is presently caught in a gravitational orbit around the Sun occupied by Homo sapiens human astronauts.

From a dualistic point of view, the industries that are run by male dominating astronauts, have treated the spacecraft Earth, merely as a resource to be exploited.

The Encompassing Thinking background.

Encompassing Thinking is symbolised by a compass since it contains 360 degrees – the number of ways we can view each event. In the 1970’s the chemist James Lovelock and co-developer microbiologist Lynn Margulis proposed the Gaia hypothesis. The Gaia hypothesis suggests that humans should live in harmony with the Earth for survival purposes. There is the thought that we should upgrade the value of Earth to the status of Consciously Aware Astronaut and downgrade the exploiting, out-of-balance humans to that of Non-Symbiotic Parasites on Earth.

Albert Einstein quotation:  

‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.’

Source: Choose any of the many sources quoting Albert Einstein.

How do we shift from Duality Thinking and Reawaken to Encompassing Thinking?

The Psychic research of Edgar Cayce, indicated that dreams in the early evening relate to our past lives, inherited DNA, karma, and the value of hindsight. Dreams during the middle of the night relate to our present life’s joys and duality challenges. Dreams in the early morning relate to our encompassing thinking for the future, as a possible prophesy to enjoy, or the need to change the outcomes if the dream appears as a nightmare.

Lucid dreaming is where we can successfully redirect the course of our dream outcomes relating to our future lives using Encompassing Thinking. We bring this knowledge back to our present Earth time during our sleep state to create a new duality thinking action plan.

An astronaut is the name given to our current day near-Earth travellers in the 5% Matter of Gravitational Spacetime of the Fourth-dimension.

An Oneironaut (pronounced O-ni-ro-naut or O-nero-naut) is the name given to a Lucid dream traveller in the 95% Fifth-dimension Liminal Space. Maybe it is time to start solving our Earth’s problems using the higher, finer, and more Encompassing Thinking of our Liminal Space!

From such a background, this story is the record of ‘The Adventures of an Oneironaut’ who has experienced the higher, finer, and more Encompassing Thinking of our Liminal Space during Lucid Dream States spanning three years. These hold within them the potential for us to gain deeper understandings that will result in us running the Earth in a different way.

I acknowledge, with thanks, the grammatical editor of this short story, G Whiz. Any remaining errors are the ones I have missed correcting.

I acknowledge, with thanks, the Wordsmith of this short story, Sandra Hammond, who has reinterpreted my dyslexic work for the last ten years to enable me to attract and complete over 7,000 myofascial remedial massages, mostly for Highly Sensitive Persons.

Finally, I also acknowledge, with thanks, my wife and family for allowing me the luxury of the time to start a new career at aged 60 and then complete this Short Story with Love and Divine Light.