Definitions (Educational Purpose Statement)

Introduction. Coddiwomple             To travel seemingly, purposefully, to an as-yet-unknown destination. We seem to be stuck, purposely travelling, in the limiting 5% Matter of the Universe known as the Fourth-dimension, Spacetime. Our as-yet-unknown destination can be described as the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe, known as the Fifth-dimension, Liminal Space. Source: Astronaut       Consciously aware traveller in Gravity within the Sun Solar System. Oneironaut    Consciously aware traveller in a Lucid Dream. Pronounced O-nero-naut. Oneironautics             Using Lucid Dreams to travel in the Fifth-dimension. Oneironaut Team       Rachael and Tomas, names of the travellers in this short

Education Purposes – Statement

The Western Scientific Method. The Western Scientific Method provides rigorous testing using measuring instrumentation available in the 5% Matter of the Fourth-dimension Spacetime (a three-dimensional space, object, or human, in time) to establish the high classification standards to be included and consensus recognised as Western Science, Western Medicine, Western Religions, Western Space Travel, Western Cosmology, Western Geometry or Western DNA Repair. This short story refers to my experiences and travel through the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space, as an Oneironaut during my Lucid Dream State. The Fifth-dimension is not currently measurable with Fourth-dimension instrumentation.

Preface for The Grand Torus Energy Experiment.

The Adventures of an Oneironaut. It was early in the morning and a dream started to formulate in my sleep state. A Dream in the early morning to prepare for future events. I saw myself as a 25-year-old person in a short wheelbase white four-wheel drive SUV car. It was as if I was also above the car and could see the car at the base of a mountain range beside a creek. Next, I was driving the car and realised there was also a black-haired woman sitting in the passenger seat. I started driving down the creek, crossing over

Chapter 1: A Discussion with Carl Sagan

‘On Earth, as it is in Heaven.’ Lord’s Prayer. Chapter One. A Discussion with Carl Sagan. Feeling exhausted I fell asleep in my comfortable bed. Soon after I ‘awoke’ in a bright cloud of light. Immediately I sensed feeling or looking like my 25-year-old self, young and vigorous again. I could not see anything in the white cloud for a while. I just observed this calm and beautifully peaceful place. My subconscious mind started asking questions. “Hello, is anyone there?” “Hello, yes, I am here.” “What is your name? I cannot see you.” “You will remember me as Carl Sagan.

Chapter 2: Torus Energy Fields

‘As above, so below.’ Hermes Trismegistus. Temple of Esna. Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Chapter 2. Torus Energy Fields. Carl Sagan: “Hello, Tomas! Hello, Tomas!” Knocking. Knocking. Knocking. Tomas: Where is that loud knocking noise coming from? Who could be knocking from outside at the front door at this time of night? Why the urgency? “Who is it? Who is it?” I yelled as I climbed out of bed going towards the front door. As I opened the front door it turned into full daylight and I found, to my surprise, it was Carl Sagan. “Hello, Carl! What are you doing

Chapter 3 – Earth’s Got Talent – Dimensions

Tomas: “Hello, Carl Sagan.” Carl Sagan: “Hello, Tomas. I was not expecting you just yet. You are early.” Tomas: “Yes, Carl. Before going to sleep, I set an intention to separate my subconscious mind from my conscious mind. So, this time when my body fell asleep, I was already disconnected and ready to find you. Carl, Oh! I must apologise for interrupting you in the middle of your lecture in this massive hall. Are these your students?” Carl Sagan: “Students, may I introduce you to Tomas. Tomas is currently manifesting as a volunteer working on the Reset Application for Planet

Chapter 4: Human Space Suit Rent-a-Body Design Training

‘His face did shine as the sun: and his garments became white as snow.’ Matthew 17:2 Tomas: Ok, I know I am having a dream. This experience is different. It is very early in the night just after I have fallen asleep. I awakened floating outside a building that is a three-sided pyramid (A tetrahedron plutonic solid) with three turrets of light shooting up from each corner of the building and a fourth from the top of the pyramid. It looked like the Ryugyong Hotel, an unfinished 330-metre-tall three-sided pyramid-shaped skyscraper, in Pyongyang, North Korea. Source: .

Chapter 5: Cosmology – Perceptions from being a Human

“A lot of people have this ego need that makes them want to believe that Earth is the centre of the Universe (geocentric) and humans are the most important species, the supreme expression of creation.” Ann Druyan, Carl Sagan’s third wife. Chapter 5. Cosmology - Perceptions from Being a Human. I feel that I am stirring from a deep sleep. I feel stiff and exhausted from slumping in an uncomfortable position in an armchair. I rub my neck to straighten it from the horizonal to a more vertical position. My eyes start to open and I can see in

Chapter 6: Frank the Heart Mechanic

“You are my refuge, my Light in the land of the living” Psalm 142: 5. Source: Author: Unknown. Chapter 6. Frank the Heart Mechanic. Highly Sensitive People. In July 2014, Anni (Meaning of the New Era) Methods and I met in Townsville, Australia, where we were both studying the fifth section of the Emmett Technique, a remedial massage process of using finger acupuncture and trigger points. As I sat down next to Anni, I felt an overwhelming presence of her powerful Star Seed Indigo Energy. After two days of study and before we left for home,

Worksheet – Preface

Reawakening to Ascension Worksheets. Preface. Sheet 2 Numerology No 44, 45, 46, 47 & 48. Planetary Influencers  A total of 100 days in 14,704 days, or 40 years and 3 months and 7 days (29/9/1959 to 29/9/1999) where a person could have been born as a No 44 Master Birth Path or a greater number than 44 where they are recognised as a Planetary Influencer. Number Total No of Days 44 65 45 20 46 10 47 4 48 1 Total 44 to 48 100 days Calculating No 44 from Date of Birth. 29/09/1959. 2+9+0+9+1+9+5+9 = 44. Number 44 Master

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