Definitions (Educational Purpose Statement)
Introduction. Coddiwomple To travel seemingly, purposefully, to an as-yet-unknown destination. We seem to be stuck, purposely travelling, in the limiting 5% Matter of the Universe known as the Fourth-dimension, Spacetime. Our as-yet-unknown destination can be described as the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe, known as the Fifth-dimension, Liminal Space. Source: Astronaut Consciously aware traveller in Gravity within the Sun Solar System. Oneironaut Consciously aware traveller in a Lucid Dream. Pronounced O-nero-naut. Oneironautics Using Lucid Dreams to travel in the Fifth-dimension. Oneironaut Team Rachael and Tomas, names of the travellers in this short
Definitions (Preface)
Preface. The Grand Torus Energy Experiment Study of Torus Energy, Toroidal Fields, and Magnetic Energy Fields in the Universe from a micro to macro perspective. Ancient mathematics Described as sacred geometry, arithmetics, and harmonics. Sacred Geometry Another name for ancient mathematics. Science Friction Thinking on the fringe of currently held beliefs of the Fourth-dimension described as Spacetime. It includes information on the edge of or beyond the Fourth-dimension science. Covers the knowledge of the Fifth-dimension. There are books, music labels, radio shows and movies refuting and or accepting information that borders beyond Spacetime. It is akin to
Definitions (Chapter 1)
Chapter One. A Discussion with Carl Sagan Carl Sagan (9 November, 1934 – 20 December, 1996). Numerology 28 = 10 = 1. His application on Earth was as an astronomer, cosmologist, and astrophysicist scientist. He wrote 600 papers and 20 books. Carl, when working at NASA, calculated the trajectory for the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecrafts that were launched in 1977 to bypass all the outer planets for the first time. The spacecrafts then ventured in the Sun’s Heliosphere (bubble) until they reached the Sun’s Heliopause (skin) to travel beyond into the Interstellar Medium (ISM) or plasma between
Definitions (Chapter 2)
Chapter 2. Carl Sagan on Torus Energy Fields. Setting Dream Intentions Setting the direction for a Lucid Dream also known as Oneironautics. An Oneironaut is a consciously aware traveller, with direction, in a Lucid Dream. Doughnuts There are two main shapes of a doughnut. Torus shaped doughnuts have a circle around a hole. Ball shaped doughnuts with a jam centre represent the Universe with Zero-point Energy or Source Energy at the centre. Torus Energy Magnetic Bar and Earth’s Magnetic Field. Magnetic Bar Bar or horseshoe shaped ferromagnetic material consisting of iron, nickel, and cobalt, charged with a positive
Definitions (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3. Seven Dimensions of Space and Time. Earth’s Got Talent (EGT). Classical Game Theory CGT is understanding the non-cooperative competition between adversaries with the need to win in sport and greed in business without the consequences considered to the environment or fellow humans. Evolutionary Game Theory EGT relates to evolving populations in biology developed in 1973 by John Maynard Smith and George R Price. It helps to explain the mathematics of spite, selfishness, altruism, and cooperation in Darwinian competition in nature. Source: Duality Thinking Refer to Chapter 2 for the definition. Encompassing Thinking Refer
Definitions (Chapter 4)
Telepathic Conversations. Arcturian Intentions Education Centre The Arcturian Star’s Education Centre where this training is taking place. Constellation Bootes. Source: Pleiadian Intentions Education Centre The Pleiadian star system’s Educational Centre from where around 880 million Highly Sensitive Persons have arrived to live on Earth. Source: Can you have a quick look at this YouTube and concentrate on the story of the Pleiadian Number 22 who is having trouble preparing for her journey to Earth during this transition period of The Age of Aquarius. Title: The Life-Changing Message of Pixar's ‘Soul’ Movie Source: Earth Intentions Education
Definitions (Chapter 5)
Chapter 5. Cosmology - Perceptions from Being Human. Arcturian Intentions Education Centre The Arcturian Star’s Education Centre where this training is taking place. Constellation Bootes. Source: Pleiadian Intentions Education Centre The Pleiadian star system’s Educational Centre where around 880 million Highly Sensitive Persons have arrived on Earth from. Source: Can you have a quick look at this YouTube and concentrate on the story of the Pleiadian Number 22 who is having trouble preparing for her journey to Earth during this transition period of The Age of Aquarius. Title: The Life-Changing Message of Pixar's ‘Soul’ Movie
Definitions (Chapter 6)
Chapter 6. Frank the Heart Mechanic. Emmett Technique It involves the application of light finger pressure at specific points, referred to as ‘Emmett Points.’ The points are not the same as traditional trigger points or acupressure points or any other points described in any other therapy. The EMMETT Technique is that Ross Emmett developed it long before he had any formal bodywork training. Highly intuitive with incredible observational skills, his varied upbringing, experiences, and interests, as well as his dyslexia have all, he believes, contributed to the therapy that is today known as ‘The EMMETT Technique.’ Source: