Worksheet – Preface

Reawakening to Ascension Worksheets. Preface. Sheet 2 Numerology No 44, 45, 46, 47 & 48. Planetary Influencers  A total of 100 days in 14,704 days, or 40 years and 3 months and 7 days (29/9/1959 to 29/9/1999) where a person could have been born as a No 44 Master Birth Path or a greater number than 44 where they are recognised as a Planetary Influencer. Number Total No of Days 44 65 45 20 46 10 47 4 48 1 Total 44 to 48 100 days Calculating No 44 from Date of Birth. 29/09/1959. 2+9+0+9+1+9+5+9 = 44. Number 44 Master

Worksheet 5-1 Fibonacci Circle

Download this worksheet Later, during visits to the Arcturian Intentions Education Centre, you will be studying the mathematics of the Fibonacci Sequence Circle. Look at the screen here, I will show you this now, so please keep this image in the back of your mind. This will be discussed using Metatron’s Cube and the Platonic solids (Refer to Chapter 10), Marko Rodin Vortex Mathematics (Refer to Chapter14) and in the Music Topic (Refer to Chapter 16). Source: Author: Talal Ghannam. Please explain what a Fibonacci Sequence Circle means to you! Answer.

Woksheet 6-2 Missing Mathematical Patterns

What are the meaning of the mathematical patterns on the roof of Fransis of Assisi’s ‘Porziuncola Church?’ Title: The little 9Th Century Church of Porziuncola (Portiuncula) enclosed in the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels, Assisi. Source: Author: Photo by Georges Jansoone. and One Large Square with 8 smaller squares on each side. Four smaller squares. 2 squares with 3 wave frequency lines. 2 squares with 9 time, 8 pointed stars.

Worksheet 1-1 Recording your Dreams

Sheet 1.1. Recording your Dreams. Lucid Dreaming. Download Worksheet 1.1: Dream Recording Changing the outcomes in Dream Instructions. Dreams and nightmares are directions and instructions coming from your inner self (subconscious and super-consciousness mind) to outer self (conscious and ego mind) if understood and used. Lucid dreaming is a process of recording a dream or nightmare, reviewing the symbols, and preparing your possible meaning combination. Then, by asking for a revised dream the next night (or so), you are able to request a direct clarification of the dream meaning and an opportunity to change the nightmare or road block

Worksheet 1-2 Activating My Lucid Dreaming

Sheet 1.2. Activating My Lucid Dreaming. Oneironaut is a consciously aware traveller in a Lucid Dream. I would like to introduce you to the term of O-neiro-naut. An Oneironaut is a traveller who can travel in a dream consciously. In comparison to an Astronaut, this is a person who travels beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. Conscious dream travellers can change the outcomes of the dream, both at night and during the day. Let us look at some terms around this field of study which includes Oneironautics and how to improve the experience and the triggering of a Lucid Dream and how

Worksheet 2-1 13 Psychic Languages: Fifth Dimension Communication

Sheet 2.1. 13 Psychic Languages. Fifth-dimension communication. 13 Psychic, Anima (Soul), Chakra (Wheel, Cycles, Disk, Circles), or Clairvoyance Languages Clairaudience for Hearing Songlines, and Leylines. Chakra – Earth Gateway. Clairtangency for Healing Touch. Chakra – Earth Star, Mundi (water), Axis Orbit. Clairempathy for Relationships. Chakra – Base, Gonads. Clairtelekinesis for Movement. Chakra – Sacral, Adrenals. Clairgustance for Taste and Smell. Chakra – Solar Plexus, Recharge Battery, Chi, Prana. Clairsentience for Feelings. Chakra – Heart, Thymus, Tesseract, Fifth-dimension Portal. Clairmediumship for Readings. Chakra – Throat, Thyroid. Clairvoyance for Seeing Energy. Chakra – 3rd Eye, Pineal. Clairintelligence for Torus Knowing. Chakra –

Worksheet 2-2 Ascension Experience of Vajrayana and Karmadudra Tantric Yoga

This is a Tibetan Buddhism tantric practice. Just to remind you, we have a Finer Energy Interstellar Space Suit rent-a-body where we can practice intimacy with the Female Energy, Male Energy and Source Energy. It is easier for us to experience Tantric Sex without the Fourth-dimension physical body and the ego mind getting in the way of experiencing sex with each other, as well as experiencing the Light of Ascension or Buddhahood, our finest relationship with Source Energy. The description is best explained by Tibetan Buddhism Vajrayana Male Tantric Yoga and Karmamudrā Female Tantric Yoga practices. Padmasambhava (Born from a

Worksheet 2-3 Ascension Experience of ISRA & Mi’raj

What is the meaning of Israel. Israel as a Fourth-dimension concept is considered the State of Israel in the Middle East or West Asia. From a Fifth-dimension point of view Isra is often described as a journey and El as of God. The Journey of God through the Universe. In the Islam Religion Isra and Mi’raj are the celebration of the two parts of a Night Journey that Muslims believe the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (AD 570 - 632) took during a single night around the year AD 621 (1 BH – 0 BH). BH - Before the Hijrah and in

Worksheet 4-1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Intentions & Goals

Download this worksheet Title: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Title: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Source: Author: Eucalyptus TreeHugger. and Transcendence Needs. Fullest realization in giving oneself to something beyond oneself—for example, in altruism or spirituality. Maslow equated this with the desire to reach the Infinite. Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, to Earth, and to the Cosmos. Needs Intentions Goals Oneself Significant Others

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