Worksheets 4-2 Research notes on Body Types and Body Shapes
Benefit from knowing “What is” Your Body Type and Body Shape. If we understand “What is” our Body Type and Body Shape we can use their benefits instead of stressing over trying to live up to an ‘advertised’ body image. There are three main body types and body shapes. Round (Gut Mind, approximately 40% of society), Square (Heart Mind Muscle about 40% of society) and Rectangular (Brain Mind) the remaining 20%. Understanding our Body Type assists us in our Integration of Head Minds, Heart Minds, and Gut Minds. To understand this, we first need to review the development of
Worksheet 3-1 Earth’s Got Talent (Dimensions)
Chart: Description of Earth Space Dimensions and then we add one Earth Time to create a scientific term called Spacetime Dimensions. Earth Space Dimensions Maths only Physical Description Points of Connection Add one unit of Earth Time Creates the Spacetime Dimensions Ayurvedic Dimensions 0 Dot. External Source Energy Point of Big White Bang. A 0 Earth 1 Line AB 1 Air 2 Square ABCD 2 Water 3 Cube ABCD EFGH 3 Fire 5% Matter Western world +1 4 Spacetime 4 Cube within a Cube. Tesseract ABCD EFGH IJKL MNOP +1 5 Ether. Finite Energy 95% Matter