![Grand Torus Video ch1 featured image](https://torusenergyexperiment.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Grand-Torus-Video-ch1-featured-image.jpg)
Chapter 1: A Discussion with Carl Sagan
‘On Earth, as it is in Heaven.’ Lord’s Prayer.
Chapter One. A Discussion with Carl Sagan.
Feeling exhausted I fell asleep in my comfortable bed. Soon after I ‘awoke’ in a bright cloud of light. Immediately I sensed feeling or looking like my 25-year-old self, young and vigorous again. I could not see anything in the white cloud for a while. I just observed this calm and beautifully peaceful place.
My subconscious mind started asking questions.
“Hello, is anyone there?”
“Hello, yes, I am here.”
“What is your name? I cannot see you.”
“You will remember me as Carl Sagan. Call me Carl. I will call you Toe Mass.”
Toe Mass: “Carl, you want to call me Toe Mass. Are you comparing me to the reflexology term that the blocked energy of the brain appears in the big toe mass of nerve cells? Or does this mean you want me to provide information to the masses?”
Highly Sensitive People.
Carl Sagan: “I had in mind the spelling of Tomas (pronounced ‘toe mass,’ not ‘Thomas’). But I do love the name Toe Mass and providing information to the masses. I had in mind that you will be providing information more specifically for the 880 million Highly Sensitive People who have recently been born on the planet Earth.”
Tomas: “So, ‘Tomas’ is what you want to call me. Do you mean like a ‘doubting Thomas’ a sceptic who does not believe in anything without having a personal experience of the concept? A person who does not believe in anything simply by faith?”
Carl Sagan: “Tomas, yes, just like Thomas the Apostle who did not believe in the resurrection of the Christ until he could first place his finger in the wounds of the Christ. Your scepticism will be a wonderful tool and guiding light as we work through the ‘Big’ questions you have come to ask.”
Tomas: “Carl, are you the astronomer, cosmologist and astrophysicist scientist who died in 1996 at the age of 62 after having written 600 papers and 20 books? Also, the person at NASA who worked out the trajectory of Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecrafts that were launched in 1977 to bypass all the outer planets for the first time? The spacecrafts that went beyond the Sun’s heliosphere to travel in the interstellar space between our Sun and the next star?”
Carl Sagan: “Yes, Tomas. Let us go into my history during another discussion.”
Tomas: “Ok, Carl! Well, can you tell me what is happening to me? Am I dead?”
Human Space Suit rent-a-body.
Carl Sagan: “Why, yes. You have woken up in your ‘death state.’ However, we call this your dream state connection between your Subconscious Mind and your Superconscious Mind. Your Homo sapiens, Human Space Suit rent-a-body, is sound asleep in your bed. This means that your Conscious Mind or your left head Mind Brain is asleep while your Subconscious and Superconscious minds are still awake and working. The reason you can recall this conversation is that you have had years of practice recording your dreams. Your Subconscious Mind resides in your Heart Brain and Gut Brain that pumps oxygen and nutrients through the blood and energy through the nerve and meridian lines to over 3 billion cells. Your right head Mind Brain is the direct connection with your Heart and Gut Minds. Your Heart Mind or Tesseract Portal is your connection with your Superconscious Mind. We call this your Interstellar Space Suit rent-a-body.”
Tomas: “I normally wake up in the morning remembering my dreams and then write them down in my journal that I keep beside the bed.”
Carl Sagan: “Yes, I recall, you have been writing them down since you were 12, often as many as 3 dreams each morning.”
Tomas: “So, ‘How’ is it that I have woken up in my dream or Superconscious Mind having a discussion with you this time?”
Oneironautic Lucid Dreaming.
Carl Sagan: “The ‘How’ of it is called Lucid Dreaming. A process whereby you are proactive in your dream state and can change the outcome of the dream. Mostly, people do not record their dreams nor have they established a three-way conversation between their Conscious Mind, their Subconscious Mind, and their Superconscious Mind. Dreams are your answers to your prayers or requests, asking for information from your Conscious Mind. Oneironautics (O-nero-nautics) is the practice of navigating through your Lucid Dreaming state. An Oneironaut is a Consciously aware traveller in your Lucid Dream state. You are an Oneironaut as opposed to an Astronaut who is a Consciously aware traveller through gravity.”
Tomas: “Where do the answers come from?”
Fourth-dimension Spacetime 5% Matter.
Fifth-dimension Liminal Space 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter.
Carl Sagan: “The Source of your answers comes from your Superconscious Mind. The Fifth-dimension Liminal Space record of your higher and finer energy self. This is your Akashic Record, Ether Record or Your Soul Energy Record. Your Akashic Record is stored in the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space of the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter, Universe Record that exists at a level beyond the denser 5% Matter of the Fourth-dimension Spacetime. All the stars you can see with your eyes and telescopes are still just the 5% Matter of the Universe. In your western world the 5% Matter is described in mathematical equations that use only length, width, and height. This restricts understanding to only Three-dimensions such as we find in a cube. In addition, our Three-dimensional bodies supposedly dwell in Time. Three-dimensions plus Time are described in the Western Science world as the Fourth-dimension Spacetime.
Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind and Superconscious Mind
Tomas: “Do you mean the Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind and Superconscious Mind are like the image I used in ‘How your mind is like an iceberg’?”
Carl Sagan: “Yes, Tomas. The Superconscious mind section includes the environment that the body exists in, which includes the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Sun’s Radiant Energy. A Fifth-dimension element includes Ether and Liminal Space. Ether is the term we use to include the 95% of the Universe of Dark Energy and Dark Matter that is difficult to measure with a Fourth-dimension machine. The Sixth-dimension Supernal Space is the area within the Universe that communicates with the Seventh-dimension Eternal Space, which is external to the Universe. The Seventh-dimension is the Eternity of Source Energy that the Universe resides or floats in.”
Tomas: “Carl, are there any traditions or mathematics that go beyond the western scientific concept of Fourth-dimension Spacetime?”
Dark Energy 72% and Dark Matter 23%.
Carl Sagan: “Yes, Spacetime is the limited measurable thinking of modern western scientists like Stephen Hawking and others. In the Ayurvedic tradition of India, Reflexology tradition of Egypt, and Acupuncture tradition of China from at least 5,000 years ago, they have all included Ether as the Fifth-dimension. The Fifth-dimension of their five-pointed star is the ether or energy of the Fifth-dimension. Ether explains the 95% of the Universe that western scientists are calling Dark Energy 72% and Dark Matter 23%.” Refer to the graph below:
Tomas: “So, Carl, you are saying our Western Scientists are fairly good at measuring the Fourth-dimension of Spacetime. I am at present having a conversation with you via a Lucid Dream in the Fifth-dimension by linking my individual Subconscious Mind with your and my Superconscious Minds. We are accessing the Superconscious Record of the Universe’s Akashic Energy Record and my Soul’s Akashic Energy Record.”
Conservation of Total Energy. First Law of Thermodynamics.
Carl Sagan: “Yes, Tomas. I draw your attention to the work of Émilie Châtelet (17 December 1706 – 10 September 1749) who was a French natural philosopher and mathematician. Émilie proposed and tested the hypothesis for the Conservation of Total Energy (as distinct from the Momentum of Energy) that:
‘Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.’
Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) also stated, in his First Law of Thermodynamics, that ‘Energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another.’
Tomas this means that you have existed as a piece of Energy at the time of the Big White Bang from at least 13.7 billion years ago. Your Energy Record has simply transformed into a piece of matter as a ‘Human Space Suit rent-a-body’ called Robert Wilson at this time. Tomas is the name of your ‘Interstellar Space Suit rent-a-body’ you use to travel in the Fifth-dimension.”
Akashic Record. Karmic Record.
Tomas: “Carl, I have become aware of quite a few of my ‘Karmic Record’ past lives all dated within the last 180,000 years of my inherited DNA patterns. Do you mean, I could have had lives in the Homo erectus period that existed for 8 million years? Wait a minute! Are you saying I would have existed and observed the creation of our Sun and planet Earth about 4.5 billion years ago? Carl, I am already feeling myself looking down and observing the Universe as you can do with Google’s space maps.”
The Grand Torus Energy Experiment.
Carl Sagan: “Yes, Tomas. Could you take a moment and go through your Subconscious Mind into your Superconscious Mind? Can you imagine shrinking the whole Universe to the size of a pea while it sits in the palm of your hand? Can you now experience yourself as External to the whole Universe? Tomas, we call this experience of being external to the Universe the Seventh-dimension Eternal Space. Do you remember that in the Jewish tradition from about 5,000 years ago they used the six-pointed ‘Star of David’? The centre point on the star represents Source Energy or Eternity as the Seventh-dimension External to the Universe. The fifth point on the Star of David represents Ether or the 95% of the Universe. The sixth point on the Star of David represents Sixth-dimension Supernal Space area close to the Big Black Hole portal and connection to the divine area of Source Energy. This will be discussed further in Chapter 3. The shape of the energy that you are seeing holding the Universe together is called a Torus. It is magnetic energy in the shape of a doughnut or apple. Hence, we call our Universe ‘The Grand Torus Energy Experiment.’ In the Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden existence for an Encompassing Experience, by eating an Apple, or Torus Energy, to enter our Torus shaped Universe for a Duality Experience. You could even say that it is Source Energy experiencing Itself in a Duality Experience.”
Title: An external view of the Universe as Torus Energy sitting in Source Energy.
Tomas: “This is quite an expansion of my Conscious Mind of the Fourth-dimension Spacetime where I can only see the 5% Matter or atoms of the Universe. With my Subconscious Mind and Superconscious Mind, I am now able to comprehend the skin of the Universe incorporating the rest of the 95% Energy (Dark Energy 72% and Dark Matter 23%) of the Universe, that floats in Source Energy or Eternity beyond the Universe as a Seventh-dimension. Carl, these concepts are quite a large step to comprehend in just our first conversation!”
Carl Sagan: “Yes, Tomas. The western scientists are stuck in Fourth-dimensional Spacetime thinking. So, for our next meeting, could you please summarize this talk from how you have experienced these dimensions? This is to be like a story with clues. It will be a confirmation for the Highly Sensitive People on Earth at present that the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space is real, even though your modern western scientists are not talking about these dimensions. We do not want you to try to prove anything to convince western scientists. Rather we just want you to document your experiences like this one that you are having with me in your Lucid Dreaming state. Please write this down on your awakening within your human body. The second piece of homework is to observe, as many as possible examples of Torus Energy and Toroidal Energy Fields.”
Dyslexic. Dyslexia.
Tomas: “Carl, do you think I am the right person to do this for you? I have lived in the body of Robert Wilson as an accountant for forty years. My mathematical knowledge only extends to, ‘The Debits must always equal the Credits’ as in bookkeeping. Plus, I was dyslexic as a child and am still a slow reader and writer?”
Carl Sagan: “Tomas, do not worry about that. We will be showing you what to write. You have been selected because you are NOT in the scientific world and will not be sacked for reporting about the areas beyond Spacetime. During my last lifetime on Earth, I spent a lot of time trying to expand the scientific profession’s awareness of the Universe beyond the current measurable Fourth-dimension. Alas, I must say, to not much avail.”
Tomas: “Carl, OK, I trust you. I can see you now clearly. You look so young and starry.”
Title: Carl Sagan as a young man with Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Nights’ enhancements.
Tomas: “Carl, thanks for the discussion. I look forward to talking with you soon. I will write this down on awakening and finding examples of Torus Energy in my 5% world of Matter.”
Now I can sense a rushing and falling feeling as I contract back into my dense earthly Human Space Suit Rent-a-body. Wake up. Wow, what an experience! Let me write this down.
My Action Plan:
Listen to my dreams, intuition, and meditations, write them down and then apply the knowledge.
Reawakening to Ascension Worksheets. Chapter One.
- Sheet 1.1. Recording your Dreams. Lucid Dreaming. Changing the outcomes in Dream Instructions.
- Sheet 1.2. Activating My Lucid Dreaming. Oneironaut is a consciously aware traveller in a Lucid Dream.