Chapter 4: Human Space Suit Rent-a-Body Design Training

‘His face did shine as the sun: and his garments became white as snow.’ Matthew 17:2

Tomas: Ok, I know I am having a dream. This experience is different.

It is very early in the night just after I have fallen asleep. I awakened floating outside a building that is a three-sided pyramid (A tetrahedron plutonic solid) with three turrets of light shooting up from each corner of the building and a fourth from the top of the pyramid. It looked like the Ryugyong Hotel, an unfinished 330-metre-tall three-sided pyramid-shaped skyscraper, in Pyongyang, North Korea.

Source: . Author: Joseph Ferris III.

There was a symbol attached above the front entrance of the pyramid’s sloping wall. It includes a cube with thirteen overlapping circles.

Title: Metatron’s Cube with overlapping circles.

Source: Author: Tomruen.

At the entrance to the pyramid there was a woman, about 3 metres tall with a long neck. I noticed her royal blue gown dropping from her shoulders and flowing out like a bell to her feet just above the ground. Her collar fanned out and up from her shoulders, it was about 15 cm tall and opened at the front of the neck. Her skin was a pale blue and I noticed a deep blue sapphire held on, or sitting in, her forehead. She reminded me of the beautiful female Princess Neytiri in the movie Avatar. She looked very serious.

Title: Princess Neytiri. Creator James Cameron. Avatar Movie.

Source: Creator: James Cameron Performer: Zoe Saldaña.

Telepathic Conversations.

The following is a telepathic conversation she and I had without words being spoken.

Headmistress: “Tomas, welcome back to your Soul Group school, (Refer to Definitions for Chapter 4 and Chapter 10). This school is the Arcturian Intentions Education Centre on the Arcturus star in the Bootes Constellation. As your Headmistress, I act as your General Mathematician Practitioner just like a GP on your Earth. I will be directing you to specialist mathematicians for study. Your Earth and Sun Solar system rotates around Arcturus which is 37 light years (ly), away. We then all rotate around Sagittarius A, which is 27,000 ly at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy which has a diameter of 87,000 ly.

Today, your Soul Group is here to assist you with some Space Suit Design Training. Before training commences, I am asking you to join a meditation with your Soul Group to centre yourself. The vibrations on Arcturus are finer than those on Earth. I ask you to leave your heavy vibrations of Earth and attune to our finer vibrations. There is a lot to take in during this visit and you will need a clear mind and heart.”

Tomas: “Hello, Headmistress! Please forgive me for not recognising you at once, or these beautifully crystalline surroundings of my old school.

However, I do remember what Edgar Cayce (18 March, 1877 – 3 January, 1945) said about the Arcturian race. Edgar Cayce is known as the ‘The Sleeping Prophet’ an American clairvoyant who gave 14,306 psychic readings while in a self-induced sleep state. He said that the Arcturian race are educators who live in the Fifth-dimension. They are assisting the Homo sapiens raise their consciousness from the limited Fourth-dimension to include knowledge available in the library of the Fifth-dimension Akashic Energy Records. They will assist in the next mutation, and expansion of the 2 stranded DNA Homo sapiens species back to a fully functioning 12 stranded DNA species. A new species will be created, or mutated, and called Homo consciousness, Homo connected, Homo cooperative, or Homo coherent.”

Title: Edgar Cayce. Pictured in 1910. Front page of the New York Times.

Source: and

School Classroom Meditation.

Next, I am in an open and spacious room within the building, meditating with others. I am connected with each of the others. We are experiencing feelings of the sound of Om (AUM), of consciousness. Om (AUM) is pronounced or sung Aaa-Ooo-Mmm. The Aaa balances the gut mind. Ooo balances the heart mind and Mmm balances the head mind. The feeling of this moment is one of cooperation, then next it is a feeling of patience.

Title: The Right Way to Chant AUM. By Sadhguru.

I am now feeling that something of a greater significance has occurred with the arrival of a grander entity amongst us at the centre of the circle. There is a feeling of deep peace and calmness amongst us. Our bodies appear to have dematerialised into white light energy and it feels as though we are going through a transfiguration experience. I have no awareness of time.

Title: Contemporary Woman in Meditation.

Source: Author: Thomas Nordwest.

Michael Newton: “Excuse me, Tomas. Would you please come with me?”

I felt these words in my head and heart. I was very reluctant to move beyond this experience. Soon we were out of the peaceful meditation space. This person looked just like a human from Earth.

Tomas: “As you know my name, may I ask you, what is your name?”

Michael Newton: “Yes, hello Tomas, you will know me as Michael Newton (9 December 1931 – 22 September 2016), hypnotherapist who wrote four books, ‘The Journey of Souls,’ ‘The Destiny of Souls,’ ‘Life between Lives,’ and ‘Memories of the Afterlife,’ which I know you have read and enjoyed. Thank you for buying and reading them.”


Tomas: “Oh, Michael Newton! I have met Karen Joy who lives in Maleny, Australia. Karen studied at your Institute in the USA and wrote the book ‘Other Lives, Other Realm’ which I have also enjoyed.”


Michael Newton: “Yes, Karen Joy is an excellent clinician to assist others discover their life between lives and relate this to the reasons behind the karmic events that they are experiencing on planet Earth.”

Tomas: “Michael, I have a question. Where was I when you came in to collect me?”

Michael Newton: “Tomas, this is your school class room. Between lives you spend quite a lot of time here practicing and learning skills for the next lifetime with your Soul Group. The other entities in your class room are members of your Soul Group with whom you often journey together with on different planetary sojourns.”

Tomas: “Michael, I found the experience so peaceful. Was the person who appeared in the centre of the circle one of my teachers?”

Michael Newton: “Yes, Tomas, his name is Lord Maitreya, the Future Buddha. (Refer to Chapter 7). You will meet him as one of your Counsellors more formally later. Tomas, I have called you today because one of your Soul Group female members on planet Earth is considering a second child with her husband from another soul group. We feel this could be a good fit for you, to learn the lessons you are planning for your next sojourn into matter. With some further training you will be given the opportunity to volunteer. The choice will always be yours to make the final decision.”

Tomas: “Hum, so I get to choose to volunteer!”

Michael Newton: “Let us first visit the library of Akashic Records to review the potentials for this sojourn during this critical awakening period for Earth and its inhabitants.”

Review of Current Earth Events.

We entered a training room full of screens where many videos were playing at once.

Tomas: “Michael, why are all these film records so dark with wars, and the feeling of dense energy?”

Michael Newton: “Tomas this is a culmination of the many possible fractal pathways you humans could take during the transition from Homo sapiens to the new species Homo consciousness on planet Earth. We feel your beacon of light during your soul’s sojourn on Earth will assist many to Reawaken to the Source Energy again. Tomas, many of your Soul Group in the classroom will sojourn with you. Others will remain here at school as counsellors assisting you on the journey until your final return. They will also learn from your experience while you are there.”

Tomas: “Well, Michael, I get the feeling this sojourn is not going to be all that much fun of a trip.”

Earth in Transition. Conscious Evolution. Evolution by Natural Selection.

Michael Newton: “Yes, Tomas, this journey will be taken during a critical Reawakening and Conscious Evolution on Earth. I refer you to you to the work of Barbara Marx Hubbard, and the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Similarly, please read the work of Neale Donald Walsh in his book series called ‘Conversations with God.’ Could you please add information about their concepts published in the 1990’s into the Definitions Section. Could you also explain the differences between Fourth-dimension theory of Evolution by Natural Selection as opposed to the Fifth-dimension theory of Conscious Evolution which will be used to create the new Homo consciousness species to dwell on and care for the ‘mother ship’ planet Earth.”

Tomas: “What is the effect of the Reawakening on Earth and why is it so important, Michael, and do I really have a choice here?”

Michael Newton: “Tomas, let me answer this in a different way. I know that Carl Sagan has asked you specifically to work with your favourite highly sensitive heart-based individuals. I would like to now call them highly sensitive cooperative persons. ‘Individual’ highlights the old separation as found in the Fourth-dimension thinking. We need you to understand the limiting aspects of only operating with two strands of DNA activated by the Homo sapiens species. This limitation has led to a great separation, and individualisation amongst the species resulting in the widespread duality of competition, which has given rise to imbalance, darkness, fear, and greed. Later, you will be researching the expansion of the ‘90% junk DNA’ as it is described by your western scientists, that is held in the other ten strands of DNA. As these other 10 strands of ‘junk’ DNA are reactivated to produce a fully functioning 12 strand DNA, there will be the emergence of Homo consciousness as a new species for the continuation of Life on Earth beyond the devastating parasitic period of the Homo sapiens species.” (Refer to Chapter 20).

Tomas: “So, you know Carl Sagan?”

Michael Newton: “Tomas, yes. You could say we are on the same team but are working on different aspects of the transition of the Homo sapiens species.”

Human Space Suit rent-a-body Design Training.

Tomas: “Ok Michael, let us go and do this Human Space Suit Design Training.”

Michael Newton: “Tomas, dreams that appear in the early part of a night’s sleep are reviews of past lives. Dreams in the middle of the night often deal with present day events. Early morning dreams relate to your future events. As you remember, this dream commenced very early in the evening just after you fell asleep. You are here to re-experience how you prepared for your current life as Tomas, in the Human Space Suit rent-a-body of Robert Wilson. This will enable you to understand how to better prepare for future transitioning of intentions and consciousness into the new species of Homo consciousness.”

Tomas: “Ok, so now I am back in time preparing for my birth as Tomas, Robert Wilson.”

Michael Newton: “Tomas, we need you to enter into a different Fifth-dimension space.”

Michael leads me into a corridor with different coloured doors representing skin colours. We pass the black, brown, yellow, red, and blue doors then we enter the white door.

Tomas: “Michael, what is this place? It is like a hall of mirrors. In one direction I see all these Caucasian white skin-coloured heads. In another direction I see a variety of noses. Wow! In that direction I see male torsos. Oh! Then female torsos. Now there are rows of arms, hands, and fingers and rows of legs, feet, and toes. It is similar to being involved in a Police Identity Kit session, only more complicated.”

Michael Newton: “Tomas, this Fifth-dimension space is where we store all the possible DNA choices. We call this the Human Space Suit rent-a-body dress up room. It is where you will build your Human Space Suit rent-a-body from all the possible DNA combinations from your future mother’s female ovum nucleus and mitochondrial DNA and your future father’s male sperm nucleus and mitochondrial DNA. Your physical body suit will need to be able to breath air to live in the Earth’s atmospheric environment. If you were to become a fish on planet Earth, then you would require an underwater body suit with gills. At present you are wearing an Interstellar Space Suit rent-a-body to enable you to work on Arcturus.

You need to prepare your Body Consciousness Energy as a summary of your primary Soul’s Life Purpose and Intentions for your visit to Earth.

All matter in the Universe, including your Earth, requires a finer energetic framework to build on. We call this your Torus Energy, Light Body Framework. Your energy framework is both within the body and external to the body.” (Refer to Chapter 2, Torus examples.)

Title: Human Space Suit rent-a-body – Torus Energy Light Body Framework

Source: and

Tomas: “Michael, this looks very much like the apple shaped fruit that Adam and Eve ate in the Garden of Eden.”

Michael Newton: “Yes, Tomas. The ‘Adam and Eve allegory story’ is what is called hidden Gematria, Etymology or Geometry, which you discussed with Cardinal William Allen. (Refer to Chapter 2.) Source:

The stories or parables in The Bible and other ancient scripts often hide the underlying mathematical formulae. In this instance, the ‘Apple shape’ is describing the Torus Energy, Light Body Framework which underlies the physical body and is required as you descend from the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space into the Fourth-dimension Spacetime level of existence. During your gestation period you flesh out the framework to match your selected Intentions. This energetic field can be felt by acupuncturists in the meridian lines and by Reiki or other energy healers at a chakra level.”

Tomas: “So, where do I start this process of selecting a Human Space Suit rent-a-body?”

Michael Newton: “Sit here with me as we review some concepts on the screen in this Space Suit Design Centre. During the rest of this Short Story, you will be reawakening to the many aspects of how to set Intentions to build many types of rent-a-bodies for application throughout the Universe. So, to start with I will use your Integrative Medical System you presented to Carl Sagan. (Refer to Chapter 3.)

Setting New Intentions Exercise for Oneness or Ascension

Intentionality, from a Fifth-dimension point of view, is the action of setting a new model for your holistic self. This Human Space Suit rent-a-body model should include your Eternal, Energetic, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical body aspects.

Intentionality, is having a new relationship with your core inner self, experiencing your Eternal Harmony or Source Energy, and, also sharing this with others in your human environment.

(Refer to Worksheets, Preface Sheet 1, Setting Intentions.)

Integrated Approach to your Six Bodies with Intentionality.

Intentions must be set at each of the 6-body levels, these are as follows:

  1. Eternal Body. Superconscious Mind. Connection with the Seventh-dimension Eternal Space of Source Energy.
  2. Energetic Body. Subconscious Mind. Connection with the Sixth-dimension Supernal Space. It is the Light Body Framework that is bounded by an energy skin of a body that has not lost its connection with Source Energy.
  3. Spiritual Body. Subconscious Mind. Connection with the Fifth-dimension of the Universe through your Chakra system of sound and light. This manifests as endocrine glands that then provide hormones to build a physical body
  4. Mental Body. Connection of your Subconscious Gut Mind and Heart Mind with your Conscious Brain Mind. This is covered by understanding the psychology of your Soul’s Life Purpose and your Human Physical Purpose.
  5. Emotional Body. Conscious Mind. Personality, Individualisation, and your reactions to other personalities. It involves letting go of the past while planning for the future.
  6. Physical Body. It is the application in the physical of your Intentionality and duality reactions to the path of life. You could say it is the end result, of your manifestation on Earth as you expanded away from the Light and before you return to the Light in a Torus Energy Field.”

Tomas: “As a child I was only informed about my three bodies of Mind, Body and Spirit.”

Michael Newton: “Have a look at this painting by Hilma af Klint (26th October 1862 – 21st October 1944) with a numerology of 26 = 8 to bring new knowledge into the Earth. Hilma af Klint lived in Stockholm, Sweden, and produced 1,200 geometric drawings. You will meet her later. (Refer to Chapter 18.) Her 1913 painting ‘Tree of Knowledge No 1’ has pairs of swans to present the concept of a new balance and peace between the current Male Dominating Energy Grid and the Female Energy Grid on Earth. The Female Energy Grid is in the geometric shape of a Buckminsterfullerene (C₆₀) Molecule. This is an important concept to add into your Intentionality. These balance concepts will be discussed throughout your future tuition periods.

Title: ‘Tree of Knowledge No 1’ 1913. Hilma af Klint.


During your last visit (Chapter 3) you were introduced to the 5,000-year knowledge of Chinese Acupuncture. We will be using aspects of the Wu Xing Theory of Energy to show you how to integrate your 2 strand DNA back to an activated 12 strand DNA along with providing an understanding of your tetrahedron shaped Merkabah space vehicle.” (Refer to Chapter 14.)

Title: Wu Xing Theory of Energy used in Chinese Acupuncture.

Source and

Tomas: “I am looking forward to experiencing this information.”

Michael Newton: “For tonight I am wanting you to develop some understanding of your Intentionality required for your mental body and your physical body.

Modern Psychology Developments Post WWI and WWII.

Abraham Harold Maslow (1 April, 1908 – 8 June 1970) with a numerology of 23 = 5 for speaking up with new understandings. His parents were first-generation Jewish immigrants from Kiev, then part of the Russian Empire (now Kyiv, Ukraine) this is important to note for work you will be doing  towards the end of your training. (Refer to Chapter 22).

In Post World War II, psychology was concentrated on two theories: Sigmund Freud‘s Psychoanalytic Theory Psychology and B. F. Skinner‘s Behaviourism Psychology . During the 1950’s the Humanistic Psychology established guidelines for the establishment of a Third Theory of Psychology to include the following elements:

  • to understand people, ourselves, and others, in synergy, where the cooperation or interaction of 2 or more produces an effect that is greater than the sum of their parts.
  • to acknowledge the relevance and significance of the full life history of an individual.
  • to acknowledge the importance of Intentionality in human existence.
  • to recognize the importance of an end goal of life for a healthy person.

Humanistic psychology also acknowledges spiritual aspiration as an integral part of the psyche.

In 1968, Abraham Maslow was among the people who described Transpersonal Psychology as a “fourth force” in psychology.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and Intentions Goals.

Could you please extend this understanding in your Definitions section and prepare a worksheet for your readers to articulate their Intentions in each of these eight areas of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Can you present this to me during your next visit to school.” Source:

Title: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

Source: Author: Eucalyptus TreeHugger. and

Tomas: “Back in the 1970’s I seemed to have got stuck on Maslow’s first rung of Physiological needs: Air, Water, Food, Heat, Clothes, Reproduction, Shelter, and Sleep.”

(Refer to Reawakening to Ascension Worksheets Chapter 4, Sheet 4.1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Intentions Goals.)

Ayurveda Doshas and Body Types

Michael Newton: “You were also introduced to Ayurvedic medicine from India. (Refer to Chapter 3.)

Holistic medicine such as Ayurveda, with 5,000 years of history from India, can help diagnose illness and treat the underlying cause. This can be beneficial to many people, and if you have a consultation to determine your Ayurveda body type, it may help you gain a better understanding of your overall health, diet, exercise, and constitution. Research for an Ayurvedic Clinician near you. I ask you to use this information to prepare a worksheet for greater understanding of this ancient wisdom of Body Types, and integrate the information on Somatotype terminology in the worksheets.”

The Vatha/Vata Body Type is mainly made up of Air and Ether elements.

The Pitha/Pitta Body Type is mainly made up of Water and Fire elements.

The Kapha Body Type is mainly made up of Minerals/Earth and Water elements.”

Title: Ayurvedic symbol of these three humors (centre) surrounded by the five great elements.

Source: Author: Krishnavedala, and

What do the Body Types and Body Shapes look like?

Tomas: “Michael I have enclosed a chart showing Body Types and Body Shapes with an integration of the information on Somatotype terminology.”


Source: and

Somatotypes and Body Types

Tomas: “Somatotype body types was defined by the American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon (1940) to categorize the human physique according to terms borrowed from the three germ layers of embryonic development i.e. Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm

Ectoderm body type                which forms the skin and nervous system .

Mesoderm body type             which becomes muscle, heart, and blood vessels.

Endoderm body type             which develops into the digestive tract.

Title: William Herbert Sheldon three germ layers of embryonic development. Body Types.

Source: Author: Granito Diaz. and

Body Building. (Gestation – Carnegie Stages of Embryo Development.)

Michael Newton: “A third aspect you need to take into consideration is the research covering Human Genome, DNA, Nucleus cell, Nuclear Genome (nDNA), Mitochondrion cell, Mitochondrial Genome (mtDNA), Genealogical DNA Tests, Autosomal DNA Tests, Y-DNA Tests, mtDNA Tests, Haplogroup, DNA Mutations, Molecular Mutation Evolution by Natural Selection, Molecular Mutation Conscious Evolution from Star Origins, Gestation, Carnegie Stages of Embryo Development.

Your Human Space Suit rent-a-body is selected and developed in line with your Soul’s Life Purpose in the Fifth-dimension at the Arcturian or Pleiadian Intentions Education Centre with your Soul Group. Your Human Space Suit Rent-a-body is built into the Fourth-dimension during your gestation period and explained in the Molecular Mutation from a Fourth-dimension and a Fifth-dimension definition. (Refer to Chapter 4 Definitions.)


For homework, can you prepare a detailed worksheet summary chart integrating the understanding of the 5,000 years of Ayurvedic knowledge with the 1940’s Somatotype Body Types, and the Carnegie Stages of Embryo Development.”

Tomas: “Well Michael Newton, I will have to get these summaries checked by you on my next visit to my Soul Group school on Arcturus. You are a great Teacher, thanks!”

(Refer to Definitions Chapter 4 and Reawakening to Ascension Worksheets. Chapter 4

Sheet 4.2. Research notes on Body Types and Body Shapes.)

Michael Newton: “During later visits you will be shown how to explain the mathematics of the Torus Energy Field, acupuncture meridians and chakras. For now, Tomas, I would like you to complete your training on how to build a physical atmospheric Human Space Suit rent-a-body for your sojourn on Earth as Robert Wilson.

Build well your material atmospheric body with the greatest Intention of Service rather than for self-aggrandisement as you seemed to have done in some previous incarnations! Tomas, I need to leave very soon so that you have time to prepare your new, Robert Wilson Human Space Suit rent-a-body.”

Tomas: “Michael I have a question before you go. Why do I, as Tomas, look so different from what I felt I should look like as a 25-year-old body of Robert Wilson?”

Michael Newton: “Tomas, you look like the 25-year-old self from your last sojourn on planet Earth. Remember the last visit to Earth you chose an Intention of self-aggrandisement over service, which led you to being transported from England to Australia as a convict. In this new sojourn as Robert Wilson, you will be born in Australia as a free man. You will use Australia as your entry point to Earth before working around the planet.”

Tomas: “I like that idea of being born a free man and not as a convict or slave.”

Michael Newton: “Tomas, your physical building process starts at the point of conception. Remember, Tomas, your Soul Group members will be with you all the way. Call on them regularly to assist you in your reawakening on this journey. In the religious language at the time of your birth in 1952, your counsellors were called your guardian angels. Tomas, on waking, start researching and writing notes on Body Types. Goodbye for now.”

Tomas: “Thank you Michael. I am looking forward to another discussion later.”

What a dream. Let me see if I can explain what this was all about.

My Action Plan.

Complete the definitions and worksheets on:

  • Sheet 4.1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and Intentions Setting.
  • Sheet 4.2. Research notes on Body Types and Body Shapes.

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