Definitions (Chapter 1)

Chapter One. A Discussion with Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan        (9 November, 1934 – 20 December, 1996). Numerology 28 = 10 = 1. His application on Earth was as an astronomer, cosmologist, and astrophysicist scientist. He wrote 600 papers and 20 books. Carl, when working at NASA, calculated the trajectory for the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecrafts that were launched in 1977 to bypass all the outer planets for the first time. The spacecrafts then ventured in the Sun’s Heliosphere (bubble) until they reached the Sun’s Heliopause (skin) to travel beyond into the Interstellar Medium (ISM) or plasma between our Sun and the next star. At a distance of 162 AU (24 billion km; 15 billion mi) from Earth as of November 2023, it is the most distant human-made object from Earth. (NASA)

Highly Sensitive People

Highly Sensitive People         Heart based, often with creative and intuitive skills. They are mostly Player Characters (PC) rather than just Non-player Characters (NPC) in the game.

Human Space Suit rent-a-body

Human Space Suit rent-a-body         The description used for the Homo sapiens species.

Interstellar Space Suit rent-a-body   The Description used for the Fifth-dimension Space Suit.

Oneironautic Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming          A process whereby you are proactive in your dream state and can change the outcome of the dream.

Oneironaut, Oneironautics   Consciously aware traveller in a Lucid Dream.

Fourth-dimension Spacetime 5% Matter.

Fifth-dimension Liminal Space 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

Fourth-dimension Spacetime             5% Matter of the Universe. Earth Space consisting of a cube with a length, a width, a height, and resident in Earth Time. Described as Spacetime, a term developed by Hermann Minkowski in 1908. It refers to the 5% visible matter in the Universe.

Fifth-dimension Liminal Space          95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe.

Liminal Space             Means on the threshold of an uncertain transition between where you have been and where you are going physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Also known as liminality.

Akashic Record           An Individual’s Energy Record of their Past Lives and Karmic Record.

Karmic Record            ‘As you sow so shall you reap.’ What you need to experience in the Opposite situation.

Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind and Superconscious Mind

Conscious Mind          Consciousness covers a large field of study and has many classifications and levels. From a Fourth-dimension level we define this by describing the Left Brain Mind or Ego Mind as will power, logical thinking, and critical thinking. The Left-Brain accounts for around 10% of our human brain power and operates in Spacetime of the 5% Matter of the Universe.

Subconscious Mind.   From a Fifth-dimension point of view the Right Brain Mind connects with the Heart Brain and the Gut Brain. Areas of responsibility include beliefs, emotions, habits, values, reactions, and imagination. This Subconscious Mind is responsible for feeding approximately 3 billion cells each moment with oxygen and nutrients and removing toxins. It is responsible for 90% of the functions of the human body at a Fourth-dimension level. At a Fifth-dimension level it is responsible for Heart Coherence, and Gut Coherence, enabling the intuitive connection, between each other, the environment, and interstellar awareness without the separation feeling of the Fourth-dimension. This mainly takes place through the Heart Portal or Tesseract.

Superconscious Mind            From a Fifth-dimension point of view the Superconscious mind exists in the environment in which we live. This includes, the environment of the Earth, Water, Air, and the Sun Radiant Energy. It also includes the 95% of the Universal Energy of Dark Energy and Dark Matter. It also operates in the Sixth-dimension Supernal Space and the Seventh-dimension Eternal Space or Source Energy, external to the Universe. Source:

Sixth-dimension Supernal Space Seventh-dimension Eternal Space.

Sixth-dimension Supernal Space       The area within the Universe that communicates with the Seventh-dimension Eternal Space of Source Energy. The area close to the Big black Hole.

Seventh-dimension Eternal Space    Source Energy, External to the Universe.

Dark Energy 72% and Dark Matter 23%.

Dark Energy (72%) and Dark Matter (23%), which is also described as Ether. (Refer to Chapter 3)

Conservation of Total Energy. First Law of Thermodynamics.

Conservation of Total Energy            Refer to Émilie du Châtelet definitions in the Preface.

First Law of Thermodynamics           A formulation of the Law of Conservation of Total Energy in the context of thermodynamic processes. It distinguishes in principle two forms of energy transfer; heat and thermodynamic pressures within a Closed System of Matter. It is a further development of Émilie du Châtelet’s work on the Law of Conservation of Total Energy by defining Closed and Open Systems. From a Fourth-dimension point of view the Universe is a Closed System with no transfer of energy in or out of the Universe. From a Fifth-dimension point of view the Universe is an Open System with transference of Source Energy in and out of the Universe, in the same way as energy flows into a Torus Field at a Big Black Hole and out of a Torus Field at a Big White Bang. Source:

Second Law of Thermodynamics      Albert Einstein (14 March, 1879 – 18 April, 1955) also stated that in an Open System heat always moves from hotter objects to colder objects (or ‘downhill’). Source:

Special Theory of Relativity. Albert Einstein’s ‘Special Relativity’ for short, is a scientific theory of the curved relationship between space and time. Source:

Akashic Record, Karmic Record.

Akashic Record           An Individual’s Energy Record of their Past Lives and Karmic Record.

Karmic Record            ‘As you sow so shall you reap.’ What you need to experience in the Opposite situation.

The Grand Torus Energy Experiment.

The Grand Torus Energy Experiment            A treatise for understanding the mathematics that holds the Universe together.

Dyslexic. Dyslexia.

Dyslexic. Dyslexia       Often considered a right brain difficulty in recognition of words and or numbers. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory, and verbal processing speed.

Dyslexics are people having difficulty communicating using a physical language. In the Fifth-dimension they communicate using a Telepathic, Light, and Sound language as is used in Lucid Dreaming. Source:


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