Definitions (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3. Seven Dimensions of Space and Time.
Earth’s Got Talent (EGT).
Classical Game Theory CGT is understanding the non-cooperative competition between adversaries with the need to win in sport and greed in business without the consequences considered to the environment or fellow humans.
Evolutionary Game Theory EGT relates to evolving populations in biology developed in 1973 by John Maynard Smith and George R Price. It helps to explain the mathematics of spite, selfishness, altruism, and cooperation in Darwinian competition in nature. Source:
Duality Thinking Refer to Chapter 2 for the definition.
Encompassing Thinking Refer to Chapter 2 for the definitions.
Nattali Rize, ‘One People’ Reggaeville. Song chorus: Iration, All Nations, One People, One Destiny, Iration, All Nations, One People, One Destiny.
Joel Adams, ‘Please Don’t Go’ Now Please Don’t Go, Most Nights I hardly sleep when I’m alone, Now Please Don’t Go, oh no, I think of you whenever I’m alone, So Please Don’t Go
Purpose of this Chapter.
Reawaken me to a bigger understanding of the 95% of the Universe.
Liminal Space Best described as a Liminal Deity like Iris is Greek Mythology and Mercy as one of the twelve Eternals in Roman Mythology. Similar, to the Bardo state in Tibetan Buddhism. These are examples of transitions to the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter. Source: and
Earth Space Dimensions, Earth Time, Spacetime Dimensions.
Earth Space Dimensions – Zero to Six Dimensions Mathematics.
This section includes the mathematics of the dimensions without including Earth Time. Some pure mathematicians do not include time, so to start with these are the mathematics to comprehend.
Earth Space dimensions Mathematics Zero to six geometric dimensions external to time.
Spacetime dimensions One to Seven Spacetime geometric dimensions including a measure of time.
Zero-dimension Earth Space, First-dimension Earth Space, Second-dimension Earth Space, Third-dimension Earth Space, Fourth-dimension Earth Space, Tesseract, Fifth-dimension Earth Space, Sixth-dimension Earth Space, these will be expanded on as Spacetime Dimensions that will be used throughout this short story.
Fibonacci Sequence An Italian mathematician from the Republic of Pisa (1170 – 1250) who popularised the Indo-Arabic numeral system of counting from zero, instead of just 1 to 9. He also introduced the Fibonacci Sequence to Europe. 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, etc. Refer to Chapter 5. Source:
144,000 12 times 12 is 144. We see a reference to 144,000 in the Book of Revelation 14:3–5: ‘and they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures (man, lion, ox, eagle) and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins. It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These have been redeemed from mankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.’ Further discussions in later Chapters. Source:,000
Fractal Calculation Fourth-dimension. Geometric shape containing a detailed structure similar at both a smaller and larger scale. With each mathematical calculation the resulting number extends to more than one and to a number less than. Fifth-dimension it is the collapsing mathematics to be able to enter into the Zero-point Energy of a Big Black Hole. Source:
Mandelbrot Set Fourth-dimension. The Mandelbrot set has its origin in complex dynamics, a field first investigated by the French mathematicians Pierre Fatou and Gaston Julia at the beginning of the 20th century. The fractal was first defined and drawn in 1978 by Robert W. Brooks and Peter Matelski as part of a study of Kleinian groups. On 1 March 1980, at IBM‘s Thomas J. Watson Research Centre in Yorktown Heights, New York, Benoit Mandelbrot first visualized the set using a computer. Fifth-dimension. Gautama Buddha achieved enlightenment by experiencing the Fractal Calculation of the Mandelbrot Set in 440 BCE. He was able to travel through the Big Black Hole and returned. The Mandelbrot set is also called the Buddha pose. (Refer to Chapter 7) Source:
Tesseract In the Fourth-dimension, in geometry, a tesseract is a cube within a cube. The four-dimensional analogue of the cube, the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square. Just as the surface of the cube consists of six square faces, the hypersurface of the tesseract consists of eight cubical cells. The tesseract is one of the six convex regular 4-polytopes.
Tesseract In the Fifth-dimension, the human body is measured as a cube with a height, width, and length as a three-dimensional body or space. When we add time to this outer three-dimensional cube, we create the Fourth-dimension, which is also known as Spacetime. When we add an inner cube within the outer cube, we end up with the Fifth-dimension. The Heart Chakra is considered to be the portal for entry into the Fifth-dimension. An important point about the tesseract is that, when folded out it creates a Dali Cross. It can be considered that when the Christ was saying ‘Take up the cross and follow me’ (into the Fifth-dimension) he was asking each of us to open our heart portal within our tesseract and connect with the Holy Spirit or our counsellors and guides. More on this in The Preface and Chapter 6.
Earth Time,
Spacetime In 1908 Hermann Minkowski, Albert Einstein’s former mathematics professor, joined the three dimensions of Earth Space with Earth Time. He coined the concept of ‘Spacetime’ as the Fourth-dimension for the western world scientists. Spacetime consists of a length, a width, and a height, in Earth Time.
For uniformity in this short story, we are going to use the Zero-dimension through to the Seventh-dimension of Spacetime. In Chapter 3 we also include a classification of Earth Space without considering Earth Time. We use the Zero-dimension Earth Space to Sixth-Dimension Earth Space without including Earth Time, just to understand the arithmetic and geometric mathematics.
Nontime The absence of time. A concept of the Fifth-dimension Spacetime, Sixth-dimension Spacetime and Seventh-dimension Spacetime.
Earth Time Time or Earth Time at sea level. Earth Time is measured at the surface of the Earth at sea level. Time, is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. Time is often referred to as the Fourth dimension, along with three spatial dimensions and is called Spacetime. However, by travelling through a Tesseract portal into the Fifth-dimension one is able to experience the past time, present time, future time, Nontime, and even collapsed time. Source:
Spacetime Dimensions, Spacetime Definitions.
Zero-dimension Spacetime, First-dimension Spacetime, Second-dimension Spacetime, Third-dimension Spacetime, Forth-dimension Spacetime, Fifth-dimension Spacetime, Sixth-dimension Spacetime, Seventh-dimension Spacetime.
Spacetime In 1908 Hermann Minkowski, Albert Einstein’s former mathematics professor, joined the three dimensions of Earth Space with Earth Time. He coined the concept of ‘Spacetime’ as the Fourth-dimension for the western world scientists. Spacetime consists of a length, a width, and a height, in Earth Time.
For uniformity in this short story, we are going to use the Zero-dimension through to the Seventh-dimension of Spacetime. In Chapter 3 we also include a classification of Earth Space without considering Earth Time. We use the Zero-dimension Earth Space to Sixth-Dimension Earth Space without including Earth Time, just to understand the arithmetic and geometric mathematics.
Nontime The absence of time. A concept of the Fifth-dimension Spacetime, Sixth-dimension Spacetime and Seventh-dimension Spacetime.
Earth Time Time, or Earth Time at sea level. Earth Time is measured at the surface of the Earth at sea level. Time, is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. Time is often referred to as the Fourth dimension, along with three spatial dimensions and is called Spacetime. However, by travelling through a Tesseract portal into the Fifth-dimension one is able to experience the past time, present time, future time, Nontime, and even collapsed time. Source:
Zero Western Scientific measure of an empty or nil quantity and nil time. It is also a western scientific measure of a dot without a measure of a width, length, height, or time.
Zero-point Energy This is the dot or central point of a magnetic or Toroidal Field where energy flows out from and returns to. From a Universe point of view, The Big Bang, or Big White Bang is the outflowing of energy from the centre of the Universe’s Toroidal Field. The inflowing of energy to the centre of the Universe’s Toroidal Field is described as a Big Black Hole. This is found in the Fractal calculation which is further described in Chapters 3 and 7.
Zero-dimension Spacetime Dot, Zero, and Zero-point Energy.
First-dimension Spacetime Length to form a Line. It is a line between 2 dots. It has a length, but no width or height, but includes a location on a page in Earth Time.
Second-dimension Spacetime Length, and Width to form a Square. Western scientific measure of a line between 3 dots as in a triangle, 4 dots as in a square or rectangle, or a line circulating back to the original dot. This has a length and a width but no height, but includes a location on a page in Earth Time. This is described as Abbott’s Flatland concept or Euclidian Geometry.
Third-dimension Spacetime Length, Width, and Height to form a Cube. Western scientific measure of a cube with lines between 8 dots. They include a length, a width, and a height, but no Earth Time.
Fourth-dimension Spacetime Length, Width, Height, Cube, and Time. Western scientific measure of a cube as a Three-dimensional structure in Earth Time. This is called Spacetime. It is the 5% Matter of the Universe visible from Earth and currently measurable by western scientific instrumentation in Earth Time.
Measurement in the Fourth-dimension is that of the Finite (measure of the 5% matter) and Infinity (5% matter that cannot yet be measured).
Mathematics currently is the masculine calculations of 5 and 10. This is named Decimal mathematics which dominates the Earth thinking of the Male Dominating Energy Grid. The Female Energy Grid uses the feminine calculations of 6 and 12. This is named Tridecimal mathematics.
Chakra points are the combination of 9 chakras and the dot which make up the central Zero making the Decimal Mathematics System. (Refer to Chapter 13)
Spacetime Western scientific measure of space, the three dimensions of matter which includes a width, a length, and a height resident in a measure of Earth Time at sea level. A combination of Earth Space with Earth Time. This is then described as the Fourth-dimension Spacetime. Source:
Fifth-dimension Spacetime Length, Width, Height, Cube, Time, and another Cube to form a Cube within a Cube or Tesseract. From a western scientific view this is the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe not currently visible from Earth using Fourth-dimension Spacetime measuring tools. From a Fifth-dimension point of view, the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space is the 95% Light Energy and Light Matter and Energy that fills the rest of the Universe (other than Fourth-dimension matter) created by nuclear fusion (Refer to Chapter 15). The Fifth-dimension holds the Intentions for the creation, expansion, and collapse of the Torus Energy Field of the Universe. Concepts that are covered in this short story include:
Measurement in the Fifth-dimension is that of the Finite (measure of the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter) and Infinity (measure of the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter in the Universe) that cannot yet be measured using Fourth-dimension tools within the Universe. Fifth-dimension tools include travelling faster than the speed of Light similar to the concept of Tachyon Energy using Merkabah space vehicles. It also starts to include the measure of Eternity.
Mathematics is mainly the female calculations of 6 and 12. This is named the Duodecimal mathematics which dominates the Universe.
Chakra points are the combination of 12 chakras and the zero to make up 13 chakra points and Tridecimal mathematics in include the Universe and Source Energy. (Refer to Chapter 14)
Fifth-dimension Reawakening Entry into the Fifth-dimension from the Fourth-dimension can be achieved via the Tesseract, a cube within a cube, found at the heart chakra in the Human Space Suit rent-a-body. Connections with the Fifth-dimension are well summarised at PsychonautWiki. Source:
Sixth-dimension Spacetime Length, Width, Height, Cube, Time, Tesseract, and then add finer Sound and Light to form the Energy of OM or Aum. This is also described as the Sixth-dimension Supernal Space. A space where there is a finer vibrational sound and light energy than is found in the Fifth-dimension. It is a transition location within the Universe that connects with the Seventh-dimension External Space or Source Energy external to the Universe. The location may be considered as the Great Attractor of the Laniakea Supercluster.
Measurement in the Sixth-dimension is that of Encompassing thinking including the number 13 to represent the Zero and Zero-point Energy.
Mathematics of Tridecimal and Fractal calculations dominates the Big Black Holes for the connection with Source Energy external to the Universe.
Chakra points include the 13 points. (Refer to Chapter 15)
Supernal-dimension This is the dimension explaining the nature of ‘Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,’ before being sent into the ‘apple’ shaped Torus world of the Universe of energy and matter. Supernal is a word to describe Source Energy’s Intentions to experience Itself in the Universe of energy and matter. It is regarded as the future emergence of Creation in this Universe; it represents Divine Light before the existence of matter in the Universe. The name ‘YHWH’ is known as a tetragrammaton (four letters), consisting of the sequence of consonants or sounds of Yod, Heh, Waw and Heh. YHWH, is the name, word, and sound of God revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. Allah is another Supernal name for God used within the Islam faith. The mathematics of music and sound is in Chapter 16. Source:
Om or AUM is considered the Supernal name, word, and sound of God or Source Energy in Buddhism. Breath of the Universe is described in the Hindu creation story where Brahman or Parashiva (Para Shiva) splits into male (Shiva) and female (Parasakti) and manifests as the universe at a Sixth-dimension. This is also known as the creation story of Purusha and Prakriti. Further material is discussed in Chapters 2 and 3. Source: and
12 Eternals By using Duodecimal mathematics we see the reference to 12. 12 is used many times, including the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 Arab tribes in Islam and the 12 disciples of Jesus. In the times of Atlantis, 12,000 BCE, we saw the 12 Science Priests. They have incarnated to be with us during each of the ever-changing periods of enlightenment. This is well covered in the story of Rosicrucianism, the rose at the heart of the cross or tesseract. Freemasonry is a further study of the 12 Eternals within Geometry. (Refer to Chapter 13) Source:
Guardian Angels are other descriptions of the 12 Eternals. The two Eternals covered more specifically in this story are Metatron and Amaliel who go back 13.7 billion years. (Refer to Chapter 17 and 18) Source:
Ksitigarbha Also needs a special mention as an Ascended Master, Eternal, or Bodhisattva who has vowed not to leave us stranded on Earth, in the Sun Solar System or indeed within the Universe until all of us have reawakened and returned to the light of Source Energy. Source:
Archangels The Book of Enoch lists Michael as one of seven archangels (the remaining names are Uriel, Raguel, Raphael, Sariel, Gabriel, and Remiel). There are many versions of the stories and names referring to the hierarchy of the Fifth-dimension and Sixth-dimension. Source:
Seventh-dimension Spacetime Also known as the Seventh-dimension Eternal Space. External Energy to the Universe. The Eternal Energy external to the Universe which is also known as Source Energy or Zero-point Energy. From a religious point of view using Fourth-dimension terminology this Eternal Energy is sometimes called God the unknowable or Indescribable.
Source Energy The external energy or Eternal Energy that the Universe floats and resides in. It is both external to the Universe and within the Universe and is described as the Seventh-dimension and Zero-point Energy.
Multiverse Is the name given to the multiple universes residing in Source Energy as is symbolised by the tree in the centre of Eden laden with many fruits or Universes.
Euclid, Euclidian Geometry 300 BCE Greek, Father of Geometry. Book ‘Elements’. Source:
Hermann Minkowski (22 June 1864 – 12 January 1909). Born in Germany. Best known for work describing space and time as a four-dimensional space, now known as ‘Minkowski Spacetime’, which facilitated geometric interpretations of Albert Einstein‘s special theory of relativity (1905). Source:
Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955). Born in Germany. Theoretical Physicist. Source:
General Theory of Relativity (GTR) Geometric theory of gravity. Source:
Spacetime curvatures Spacetime around any mass or energy is curved. Source:
Source of Energy for the Big Bang Refer to Lambda Cold Dark Matter or ΛCDM. From a Fifth-dimension concept the Big Bang was created with the sound and light of AUM or OM.
Sun Radiant Energy is the energy of Electromagnetic EM and Gravitational Radiation. Source:
Electromagnetic EM radiation EMR They carry Radiant Energy. Types of EMR include radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays, all of which are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Refer also to Aether. Source:
Stephen W Hawking Stephen William Hawking (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who, at the time of his death, was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge. Between 1979 and 2009, he was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, widely viewed as one of the most prestigious academic posts in the world. Source:
So, what is the Universe made up of?
Dark Energy 72% Unknown form of energy which is considered less dense than the energy found in the 5% physical matter that we can see and measure. This is a Fourth-dimension reference. (Refer to Chapter 19) Source:
Dark Matter 23%, Astrophysical Plasma Fourth-dimension measure of Baryonic Matter of subatomic Hadron Particles composed of Quarks. (Refer to Chapter 19) Source:
Universe is like a chicken egg in gestation, Fifth-dimension concept. (Refer to Chapter 13)
Lambda-CDM, Lambda Cold Dark Matter or ΛCDM model is a mathematical model of the Big Bang theory with three major components:
- A cosmological constant denoted by Lambda (Λ) associated with dark energy,
- The postulated cold dark matter, and
- Ordinary matter. (Lambda (Λ) is the eleventh letter of the Greek Alphabet.)
It is frequently referred to as the standard model of Big Bang cosmology because it is the simplest model that provides a reasonably good account of:
- the existence and structure of the cosmic microwave background
- the large-scale structure in the distribution of galaxies
- the observed abundances of hydrogen (including deuterium), helium, and lithium
- the accelerating expansion of the universe observed in the light from distant galaxies and supernovae
The model assumes that general relativity is the correct theory of gravity on cosmological scales. It emerged in the late 1990s as a concordance cosmology, after a period of time when disparate observed properties of the universe appeared mutually inconsistent, and there was no consensus on the makeup of the energy density of the universe.
The ΛCDM model can be extended by adding cosmological inflation, quintessence, and other areas of speculation and research in cosmology.
Some alternative models challenge the assumptions of the ΛCDM model. Examples of these are modified Newtonian dynamics, entropic gravity, modified gravity, theories of large-scale variations in the matter density of the universe, biometric gravity, scale invariance of empty space, and decaying dark matter (DDM). Refer also to Chapter 5 Definitions.
Accelerated Expansion of the Universe, Big Bang Inflation, Timeline of the Universe, Source:
The Universe is Torus Energy or a Toroidal Field. For the Fourth-dimension concept refer to Source:
Four Worlds of the Hermetic Qabalah system, Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Source:
Expansion from the Fourth-dimension to the Fifth-dimension.
Fifth-dimension Liminal Space of Ether, Aether.
Ether Fourth-dimension meaning. In organic chemistry, ethers are a class of compounds that contain an ether group—an oxygen atom connected to two alkyl or aryl groups. Source:
Ethered can be used as a verb to humiliate someone in public. A ethered B in public.
A literary word describing the clear sky.
Fifth-dimension meaning. Ether connects us to the Liminal Space and our Akashic Records. It can be reached through a place of stillness or the Tesseract heart portal. It is our place for listening to our intuition. The fifth element in Ayurvedic medicine. Source:
Aether A name given to describe Dark Energy serving as a medium for the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the cosmic plasma. Yet to be measured by western scientific instruments. Refer also to Electromagnetic radiation.
Ayurvedic Medicine Ayurvedic medicine comes from the traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism dating back well over 5,000 years. It is used by 80% of the populations in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. In Iran, Iraq, and Egypt there is the tradition of the Unami Medicine with an origin in Perso-Arabic world which is based on the 3 doshas or humors tradition. This accounts for around 2,000 billion users.
3 Humors or Doshas or Body types. These are Vata (air, which some modern authors equate with the nervous system), Pitta (Fire, bile, equated by some with enzymes), and Kapha (Earth, phlegm, and water, equated by some with mucus).
Five Great Elements, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Ether. Source: and
Acupuncture Medicine Acupuncture Medicine is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine dating back over 5,000 years. This accounts for around 1,500 billion users. Acupuncture comes from the traditions of Taoism or Daoism. The Wuxing tradition is based on the five phases or agents which are Earth, Wood, Water, Fire and Metal. Source: and
Sixth-dimension Supernal Space.
Wormholes Fourth-dimension hypothetical structure visualized as a tunnel with two ends at separate points in Spacetime (i.e., different locations, different points in time, or both). Fifth-dimension tunnel system between planets and stars used for the collapsing of the time taken to travel between points in space. A Merkabah is used to travel in wormholes with approved intentional purposes. Purposes can include the need to gain information from an Akashic Record for a service to an individual or group of people. It is also a method of transport after transitioning into the human death state to the next school of review, learning, and Intentions setting. Source:
Einstein – Podolsky – Rosen Paradox The 1935 paradox that concluded that quantum mechanics theory does not provide a complete description of reality using Fourth-dimension logic. Hypothetical belief in the concept of wormholes. Source:
The Sixth-dimension Supernal Space. Connection to External Source Energy.
Sixth-dimension Spacetime A space where there is a finer vibrational sound and light energy than is found in the Fifth-dimension. It is a transition location within the Universe that connects with Source Energy or the Seventh-dimension external to the Universe and to all the dimensions within the Universe. This is also described as the Supernal-dimension.
Supernal Angelic being or belonging to a Celestial dimension.
Sound and Colour of ‘OM’ or ‘AUM’ Its written representation is one of the most important symbols of Hinduism and Buddhism. It is variously said to be the essence of the Supreme Absolute, consciousness, Atman, Brahman, or the Cosmic World. AUM or OM is considered to be the Cosmic Sound and Cosmic Light of the Creation of the Big Bang. Source:
Seventh-dimension Eternal Space.
Seventh-dimension The Eternal Energy external to the Universe. Also known as Source Energy. From a religious point of view this energy is sometimes called God in the Fourth-dimension.
Source Energy The external energy or Eternal Energy that the Universe floats and resides in. It is both external to the Universe and within the Universe and is described as the Seventh-dimension and Zero-point Energy.
How the Seventh-dimension creates a Universe from a Big White Bang.
A Solar Flare or Solar Prominence Is a large plasma and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) field structure extending out from the surface of the Sun. Fourth-dimension concept. Source: and
AUM or OM The Hindu tradition explains that AUM or OM is the Cosmic Sound and Cosmic Light of the Creation of the Big Bang. Fifth-dimension concept. Source:
Conclusion for this Speech.
Yoga with Adriene, Videos and YouTube Videos covering, Movement Medicine Yoga, Yoga Energy Practice, Reunite with your Breath Yoga. Source: and