Definitions (Chapter 4)

Telepathic Conversations.

Arcturian Intentions Education Centre         The Arcturian Star’s Education Centre where this training is taking place. Constellation Bootes.


Pleiadian Intentions Education Centre          The Pleiadian star system’s Educational Centre from where around 880 million Highly Sensitive Persons have arrived to live on Earth. Source:

Can you have a quick look at this YouTube and concentrate on the story of the Pleiadian Number 22 who is having trouble preparing for her journey to Earth during this transition period of The Age of Aquarius.

Title: The Life-Changing Message of Pixar’s ‘Soul’ Movie  Source:

Earth Intentions Education Centre               Education centres on Earth. Some Earth Intentions Education Centres are listed in the Preface Worksheet.

(Refer to Reawakening to Ascension Worksheets Preface. Preface Sheet 1. Setting Intentions.) Source:

Space Suit Design Training    A location at the Arcturian Intentions Education Centre, where you prepare with your Soul Group, your Soul’s Life Purpose, or Fifth-dimension Intentions of clearing your Karmic Record (As you sow, so shall you reap) and building your Grace Record (Harmony with Source Energy) for the next life in the material world on Earth.

School Classroom Meditation.

Soul Group     A Fifth-dimension group of like-minded souls who assist each other to achieve their reawakening and understanding of Source Energy. Some travel together during sojourns into the Matter of the Fourth-dimension Spacetime on Earth. Others remain at the Arcturian Intentions Education Centre as counsellors and holders of the Intentions for those who are sojourning on Earth. (Refer to Chapter 10)

Counsellors     Guides or Guardian angels.

Review of Current Earth Events.

Wars, Dense Energy,             Refer to daily news on Television.

Earth in Transition. Conscious Evolution. Evolution by Natural Selection.

Reawakening             A Fifth-dimension term describing the act of becoming consciously aware of the 95% Light Energy and Light Matter of the Universe beyond the physically, observable, and measurable 5% Matter of the Fourth-dimension of Spacetime.

Evolution by Natural Selection         The fourth-dimension concept of Evolution by Natural Section as proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the mid-19th Century. In the 20th century there have been further expansions of this concept through observable means to include genetics. We first Consciously set Intentions in the Fifth-dimension and then volunteer to enter a human body. During gestation we select the DNA possibilities from both the mother, and father that will best complete our Karma, and our Life’s Soul Purpose. Source:

Conscious Evolution             The Fifth-dimension concept of conscious evolution refers to the theoretical ability of human beings to become conscious participants in the evolution of their cultures, or even of the entirety of human society, based on a relatively recent combination of factors, including increasing awareness of cultural and social patterns, reaction against perceived problems with existing patterns, injustices, inequities, and other factors. The realization that cultural and social evolution can be guided through conscious decisions has been in increasing evidence since approximately the mid-19th century, when the rate of cultural change globally began to increase dramatically.

The Industrial Revolution, reactions against the effects of the Industrial Revolution, the emergence of new sciences such as psychology, anthropology, and sociology, the revolution of the internet in global communication, the interaction of diverse cultures through transportation and colonization, anti-slavery and suffrage movements, and increasing human lifespan all would contribute to the growing awareness of social and cultural patterns as being potentially subject to Conscious Evolution. Source:

Barabara Marx Hubbard        Barbara Marx Hubbard, born Barbara Marx; (22 December, 1929 – 10 April, 2019) was an American futurist, author, and public speaker. She is credited with the concepts of ‘The Synergy Engine’ and the ‘birthing of humanity.’ As an author, speaker, and co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, Hubbard posited that humanity was on the threshold of a quantum leap if newly emergent scientific, social, and spiritual capacities were integrated to address global crises. She was the author of seven books on social and planetary evolution. In conjunction with the Shift Network, she co-produced the worldwide ‘Birth 2012’ multimedia event. She was the subject of a biography by author Neale Donald Walsch, ‘The Mother of Invention: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of YOU.’ Deepak Chopra called her The voice for Conscious Evolution.’ Source:

Neale Donald Walsh              Neale Donald Walsch (born September 10, 1943) is an American author of the series ‘Conversations with God.’ He created Humanity’s Team as a spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and implement his New Spirituality beliefs, particularly that we are all one with God and one with life, in a shared global state of being. Source:

12 strand DNA                        Refer to the Wu Xing Theory of Energy in this Chapter’s Integrated Approach to your Six Bodies with Intentionality. It is the 5,000-year knowledge, showing the structure of Homo sapiens 12 strand DNA which will be present in the new Homo consciousness species through Conscious Evolution.

Homo consciousness              A new species to replace the Homo sapiens species. Refer to the concept of Conscious Evolution and Barbara Marx Hubbard as noted above.

Human Space Suit rent-a-body Design Training.

Soul’s Life Purpose                 The Primary Fifth-dimension Intentions you set for your Earth sojourn to clear your Akashic Karmic Record and build your Grace Record or Universal Record of reawakening and understanding of Source Energy. It is your Soul’s Life Purpose to work in Harmony with your Human Physical Purpose.

Human Physical Purpose       The Secondary Fourth-dimension Intentions on Earth to feed, house, and educate family members and fellow humans. This is sometimes described as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which include: physiological, safety, belonging and love, esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualisation, and transcendence. Sometimes we allow our Left-brain to take precedence over our Soul’s Life Purpose.

Human Space suit rent-a-body         Fourth-dimension Homo sapiens Material Body.

Interstellar Space suit rent-a-body   Fifth-dimension finer energy body used after death and during your Reawakened state for travelling through interstellar space as an Oneironaut or as a Psychonaut. It can more simply be termed the Light Body or Finer Energy Body for working in the Fifth-dimension.

Body Conscious Energy         The Fifth-dimension Intentions for the purpose of the sojourn on Earth. This is described as the primary Soul’s Life Purpose on Earth, as opposed to the secondary Fourth-dimension Intentions of Human’s Physical Purpose on Earth to feed, educate and house family members and fellow humans. This is stored in your Light Body Framework of your 12 strand DNA.

Light Body Framework          It is the meridian line energetic framework including the Toroidal Field for your Light Body, Finer Energy Body, or Interstellar Space Suit rent-a-body that you build your Human Space Suit rent-a-body around.

Setting New Intentions Exercise for Oneness or Ascension

Intentionality             From a Fifth-dimension concept, Intentionality is the setting of your Soul’s Life Purpose plans for your living on Earth to achieve a Reawakening and understanding of Source Energy in harmony with your Human Physical Purpose.

Intentionality             From a Fourth-dimension concept, Intentionality is the power of your mind to be about something: to represent or to stand for things, properties, and states of affairs. Intentionality is primarily ascribed to mental states, like perceptions, beliefs, or goal setting for accumulation as a Human Doing rather than a Human Being. This is why it has been regarded as the characteristic ‘mark of the mental’ by many philosophers. The concept of intentionality was reintroduced in 19th-century contemporary philosophy by Franz Brentano (a German philosopher and psychologist) who is generally regarded as the founder of Act Psychology, also called Intentionalism. This is different from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy which is also known as ACT Psychology.  Source:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy        ACT is a form of psychotherapy, as well as a branch of clinical behavioural analysis. It is an empirically based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies along with commitment and behavioural-change strategies to increase psychological flexibility. This approach was originally termed Comprehensive Distancing. Steven C. Hayes developed the treatment around 1982. Source:

Intentionality, is having a new relationship with your core inner self, experiencing your Eternal Harmony or Source Energy, and, also sharing this with others in your environment, (Refer to Worksheets, Preface Sheet 1, Setting Intentions.)

Integrated Approach to your Six Bodies with Intentionality.

Six Bodies                   This model should include your Eternal, Energetic, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical body aspects.

‘Tree of Knowledge No 1’      Painting by Hilma af Klint (1913), has a pair of swans to represent the concept of a new balance and peace between the current Male Dominating Energy Grid and the Female Energy Grid on Earth. (Refer to Chapter 18)

Female Energy Grid                The Archimedean Truncated Icosahedron. It resembles a soccer ball with thirty-two faces consisting of twelve, five sided pentagonal faces, twenty, six sided hexagonal faces, ninety edges joining the segments with sixty joining points or vertices.

Buckminsterfullerene (C₆₀) molecule.          In science it is called a Buckyball and was renamed a Buckminsterfullerene (C₆₀) molecule. Each of its 60 carbon atoms are bonded to its three neighbours. (Refer to Chapters 19 and 20) Source:

Male Dominating Energy Grid           A Hexakis Icosahedron which is also known in geometry as a Disdyakis Triacontahedron, Decakis Dodecahedron or a Kisrhombic Triacontahedron. They are all Catalan Solids with one hundred and twenty faces of triangles and is the dual to the Archimedean Truncated Icosidodecahedron and double the Pentakis dodecahedron. There are one hundred and eighty edges joining the segments with sixty-two joining points or vertices. (Refer to Chapters 19 and 20) Source:

Wu Xing Theory of Energy     Contains the Soul’s Life Purpose blueprint information within the 12 strand DNA and the understanding of your tetrahedron shaped Merkabah space vehicle. It is the 5,000-year knowledge, showing the structure of Homo sapiens 12 strand DNA which will be present in the new Homo consciousness species through Conscious Evolution. Source:

Modern Psychology Developments Post WWI and WWII.

Intentionality             As noted above and comes with a Fourth-dimension and Fifth-dimension definition.

Psychoanalytic Theory Psychology   First force in modern psychology. 1890’s Sigmund Freud established the Psychoanalytic Theory. His examination of the genetic and then the developmental aspects gave the psychoanalytic theory its characteristics. The most important theorists are Erik Erikson (Psychosocial Development), Anna Freud, Alfred Adler and Karen Horney, Carl Gustav Jung (German, 26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded Analytical Psychology Source: Source:

Behaviourism Psychology                 Second force in modern psychology. Behaviourism is a systematic approach to understanding the behaviour of humans and other animals.

With a 1924 publication, John B. Watson devised Methodological Behaviourism, which sought to understand behaviour by only measuring observable behaviours and events.

In the 1930s, B. F. Skinner suggested that covert behaviour—including cognition and emotions—is subject to the same controlling variables as observable behaviour, which became the basis for his philosophy called Radical Behaviourism. Source:

Humanistic Psychology          Third force in modern psychology. Humanistic Psychology developed during 1950s by Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Clark Moustakas, who were interested in founding a professional association dedicated to a psychology focused on these features of human capital demanded by the post-industrial society. It recognised mindfulness and behavioural therapy, with positive social support. Source:

Transpersonal Psychology     Fourth force in modern psychology. An early preoccupation of those interested in Transpersonal Psychology was meditation and altered states of consciousness including those induced from psychedelic drugs, including near-death studies and parapsychology. In 1969, Maslow, Grof and Sutich were among the initiators behind the publication of the first issue of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. Source: Source:

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and Intentions Goals.

Transcendence Needs.

Fullest realization in giving oneself to something beyond oneself—for example, in altruism or spirituality. Maslow equated this with the desire to reach the Infinite. Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, to Earth, and to the Cosmos.

Self-actualization Needs.

Realization of one’s Full Potential to create or acquire things. Maslow describes this as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be: People may have a strong desire to become an ideal partner or parent, succeed athletically, create paintings, write books, prove research, or manifest inventions. They may acquire businesses, paintings, charities, partners, degrees, money, buildings, or collections.

Aesthetic Needs. Recgnising and creating beauty in their life. Within self, around self, environment, and nature.

Cognitive Needs. Cognitive needs crave meaning, information, comprehension, and curiosity. This creates a willingness to learn and a willingness to attain knowledge.

Esteem Needs.

Esteem from Others. The ‘lower’ version of esteem is the need for respect from others and may include a need for status, recognition, fame, prestige, and attention.

Esteem from Self. The ‘higher’ version of esteem is the need for self-respect, and can include a need for strength, competence, mastery, self-confidence, independence, and freedom.

Belonging and Love Needs.

Belongingness and acceptance. Some large social groups may include clubs, co-workers, religious groups, professional organizations, sports teams, gangs, and online communities. Some examples of small social connections include family members, intimate partners, mentors, colleagues, and confidants.

Love and Acceptance. Having the opportunity for giving and receiving Love in a Circle of Safety.

Safety Needs.

The need for physical safety from: war, natural disaster, family violence, childhood abuse, economic safety and job security. Including: Health Security, Personal Security, Emotional Security, and Financial Security.

Physiological Needs.

These needs are the biological component for human survival: : Air, Water, Food, Heat, Clothes, Reproduction, Shelter, and Sleep

Ayurveda Doshas and Body Types

Ayurvedic Dosha. Vatha/ Vata, Pitha/Pitta, Kapha. Source:

Vatha/Vata body type           is mainly made up of the Dosha elements of Air and Ether.

Pitha/Pitta body type            is mainly made up of Dosha elements of Water and Fire.

Kapha body type        is mainly made up of Dosha elements of Minerals/Earth and Water.

Somatotypes and Body Types

Somatotype    1940s by the American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon to categorize the human physique according to terms borrowing from the three germ layers of embryonic development Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm

Ectoderm body type               which forms the skin and nervous system .

Mesoderm body type            which becomes muscle, heart, and blood vessels.

Endoderm body type            which develops into the digestive tractSource:

Constitutional psychology      Theory developed by Sheldon in the 1940s, which attempted to associate his somatotype classifications with human temperament types. This theory is still being used in physical education, criminology, and anthropology. Source:

Body Building. (Gestation – Carnegie Stages of Embryo Development.)

Human Genome          Consists of both Nucleus cell, Nuclear Genome (nDNA), and Mitochondrion cell, Mitochondrial Genome (mtDNA). Source:

DNA     DNA is the deoxyribonucleic acid found in each nucleus cell and mitochondrion cell. Source:

Nucleus cell, Nuclear Genome (nDNA)         The Male Nucleus cell DNA record adheres to the Mendelian inheritance or patrilineal line (father line), found in both the male and female parent’s Male Nucleus cells. For further explanations refer to Genealogical DNA Tests. Your Human Space Suit rent-a-body is selected and developed in line with your Soul’s Life Purpose in the Fifth-dimension at the Arcturian or Pleiadian Intentions Education Centre with your Soul Group. Your Human Space Suit Rent-a-body is built into the Fourth-dimension during your gestation period and explained in the Molecular Mutation from a Fourth-dimension and a Fifth-dimension definition below. Source:

Mitochondrion cell, Mitochondrial Genome (mtDNA)        The Female Mitochondrion cell DNA record adheres to the matrilineal line, found in both the male and female parent’s Mitochondrion cells. For further explanations refer to Genealogical DNA Tests. Your Human Space Suit rent-a-body is selected and developed in line with your Soul’s Life Purpose in the Fifth-dimension at the Arcturian or Pleiadian Intentions Education Centre with your Soul Group. Your Human Space Suit Rent-a-body is built into the Fourth-dimension during your gestation period and explained in the Molecular Mutation definitions. Source:

Genealogical DNA Tests         There are three major types of Genealogical DNA Tests: Autosomal (which includes X-DNA), Y-DNA, and mtDNA.

  • Autosomal DNA Tests look at chromosome pairs 1–22 and the X part of the 23rd chromosome. The autosomes (chromosome pairs 1–22) are inherited from both parents and all recent ancestors. The X-chromosome follows a special inheritance pattern, because females (XX) inherit an X-chromosome from each of their parents, while males (XY) inherit an X-chromosome from their mother and a Y-chromosome from their father (XY). Ethnicity estimates are often included with this sort of testing.
  • Y-DNA Tests looks at the Y-chromosome, which is passed down from father to son. Thus, the Y-DNA test can only be taken by males to explore their direct paternal line.
  • mtDNA Tests looks at the mitochondria, which is passed down from mother to child. Thus, the mtDNA test can be taken by both males and females, and it explores one’s direct maternal line.

Y-DNA and mtDNA cannot be used for ethnicity estimates, but can be used to find one’s haplogroup, which is unevenly distributed geographically. Direct-to-consumer DNA test companies have often labelled haplogroups by continent or ethnicity (e.g., an ‘African haplogroup’ or a ‘Viking haplogroup’), but these labels may be speculative or misleading. Source:

Haplogroup    A haplotype is a group of alleles in an organism that are inherited together from a single parent, and a haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single-nucleotide polymorphism mutation.

Mitochondria are small organelles that lie in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, such as those of humans. Their primary function is to provide energy to the cell. Mitochondria are thought to be reduced descendants of symbiotic bacteria that were once free living. One indication that mitochondria were once free living is that each contains a circular DNA, called mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), whose structure is more similar to bacteria than eukaryotic organisms (see endosymbiotic theory).

The overwhelming majority of a human’s DNA is contained in the chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell, but mtDNA is an exception. An individual inherits their cytoplasm and the organelles contained by that cytoplasm exclusively from the maternal ovum (egg cell); sperm only pass on the chromosomal DNA, all paternal mitochondria are digested in the oocyte. When a mutation arises in a mtDNA molecule, the mutation is therefore passed in a direct female line of descent. Mutations are changes in the nitrogen bases of the DNA sequence. Single changes from the original sequence are called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).

Human Y chromosomes are male-specific sex chromosomes; nearly all humans that possess a Y chromosome will be morphologically male. Although Y chromosomes are situated in the cell nucleus and paired with X chromosomes, they only recombine with the X chromosome at the ends of the Y chromosome; the remaining 95% of the Y chromosome does not recombine. Therefore, the Y chromosome and any mutations that arise in it are passed on from father to son in a direct male line of descent. This means the Y chromosome and mtDNA share specific properties.

Other chromosomes, autosomes and X chromosomes in women, share their genetic material (called crossing over leading to recombination) during meiosis (a special type of cell division that occurs for the purposes of sexual reproduction). Effectively this means that the genetic material from these chromosomes gets mixed up in every generation, and so any new mutations are passed down randomly from parents to offspring.

DNA Mutations          The special feature that both Y chromosomes and mtDNA display is that mutations can accrue along a certain segment of both molecules and these mutations remain fixed in place on the DNA. Furthermore, the historical sequence of these mutations can also be inferred. Source:

Molecular Mutation Evolution by Natural Selection                       From a Fourth-dimension concept, in biology, a mutation is an alteration in the nucleic acid sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA. Viral genomes contain either DNA or RNA. Mutations result from errors during DNA or viral replication, mitosis, or meiosis or other types of damage to DNA (such as pyrimidine dimers caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation), which then may undergo error-prone repair (especially microhomology-mediated end joining), cause an error during other forms of repair, or cause an error during replication (Translesion DNA Synthesis). Mutations may also result from insertion or deletion of segments of DNA due to mobile genetic elements.

Mutations may or may not produce detectable changes in the observable characteristics (phenotype) of an organism. Mutations play a part in both normal and abnormal biological processes including: evolution, cancer, and the development of the immune system, including junctional diversity. Mutation is the ultimate source of all genetic variation, providing the raw material on which evolutionary forces such as Natural Selection can act. Source:

Molecular Mutation Conscious Evolution from Star Origins           From a Fifth-dimension concept, mutations will be shown to arise from Intentions Education Centres set by Soul Life Purposes from different star systems, like Arcturus, Pleiades, Lyra, or Sirius just to name a few star origins found in the 88 recognised International Astronomical Union (IAU) Constellations. Source:

Gestation        In humans, pregnancy begins when a zygote (fertilized ovum) implants in the female’s uterus and ends once the foetus leaves the uterus during labour or an abortion (whether induced or spontaneous). Pregnancy starts from first day of the mother’s last period. The first trimester is from the last menstrual period through the 13th week, the second trimester is 14th–28/29th week, and the third trimester is 29/30th–42nd week. These are described in Carnegie Stages of Embryo development. Source:

Carnegie Stages of Embryo development    are a standardized system of 23 stages used to provide a unified developmental chronology of the vertebrate human embryo. This is when you apply your Intentions set in the Fifth-dimension into building your Fifth-dimension Soul’s Life Purpose and Fourth-dimension Human Physical Purpose. This is where you select your dominating Dosha and Somatotypes. Source:

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