Definitions (Educational Purpose Statement)


Coddiwomple             To travel seemingly, purposefully, to an as-yet-unknown destination.

We seem to be stuck, purposely travelling, in the limiting 5% Matter of the Universe known as the Fourth-dimension, Spacetime. Our as-yet-unknown destination can be described as the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe, known as the Fifth-dimension, Liminal Space. Source:

Astronaut       Consciously aware traveller in Gravity within the Sun Solar System.

Oneironaut    Consciously aware traveller in a Lucid Dream. Pronounced O-nero-naut.

Oneironautics             Using Lucid Dreams to travel in the Fifth-dimension.

Oneironaut Team       Rachael and Tomas, names of the travellers in this short story.

Psychonaut    Overall term for consciously aware travelling in the Fifth-dimension. Source:

Lucid Dreaming          A process whereby you are proactive in your dream state and can change the outcome of the dream. Also provides a gateway to the Fifth-dimension.

Educational Purposes.

The Western Scientific Method.

The Western Scientific Method, 5% Matter, Fourth-dimension Spacetime, 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter, Fifth-dimension Liminal Space, Fourth-dimension and Fifth-dimension comparison Definitions,

Complimentary Concepts in this Short Story

Complementary Energy Theories, Complementary Therapies, Complementary Spirituality, Complementary Travel Faster than Light, Complementary Cosmology, Complementary DNA Repair, Complementary Geometry.

Standard Western Models

Western Science, Western Medicine, Western Religions, Western Space Travel, Western Cosmology, Western Geometry, Pseudoscience, Alternative Medicine, Spirituality,

Oneironautic Lucid Dreaming.

Oneironautic Lucid Dreaming, Non-player Character (NPC), Player Character (PC), Holographic Principle,

Stargate Project Research.

Stargate Project Research, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Electronic Reading Room, The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), ‘Stargate Project Research,’ ‘The Gateway Experience’ or the ‘Gateway Program,’ Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences,

 Scientific Method, Science, Pseudoscience and Complimentary Energy Theories.

Western Scientific Method   Fourth-dimension Spacetime empirical method for acquiring knowledge through a process of observation, research, hypothesis, testing, analysis and reporting findings. Source:

Western Science        Science is a rigorous, systematic endeavour that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the material world. Modern science is typically divided into three major branches: natural sciences (e.g., physics, chemistry, and biology), which study the physical world; the social sciences (e.g., economics, psychology, and sociology), which study individuals and societies; and the formal sciences (e.g., logic, mathematics, and theoretical computer science), which study formal systems, governed by axioms and rules. There is disagreement whether the formal sciences are science disciplines, because they do not rely on empirical evidence. Applied sciences are disciplines that use scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as in engineering and medicine. Source:

Pseudoscience            Consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that claim to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the scientific method. Pseudoscience is often characterized by contradictory, exaggerated or unfalsifiable claims; reliance on confirmation bias rather than rigorous attempts at refutation; lack of openness to evaluation by other experts; absence of systematic practices when developing hypotheses; and continued adherence long after the pseudoscientific hypotheses have been experimentally discredited. Source:

Complementary Energy Theories       Individualised and objective experiences gained through travelling within the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space. I like to describe this as Science Friction at the edge of the current scientific thinking about the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe and Source Energy external to the Universe. Complimentary Energy Theories are observations by many travellers within the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space, experiencing Torus Energy in many of its forms including Sound, Light, Torus Fields, Torus Energy Vortices, Magnetic Fields, Gravity, Earth Time, Nontime, Intentions, Akashic Records, Arithmetics, Geometrics, Harmonics, and Resonance within the Universe and Source Energy external to the Universe. Refer to the many discussions in the Short Story and the Definitions Section by Chapter.

Medicine, Alternative Medicine, and Complementary Therapies.

Western Medicine     Medicine is the science and practice of caring for a patient, managing the diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, treatment, palliation of their injury or disease, and promoting their health. Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness. Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease, typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others. Pharmaceuticals in overprescription dosages may become poisonous at a cellular level and even cause death as is seen in the use of the addictive opioids in the form of OxyContin produced by the Sackler Family.   Source:

Alternative Medicine             Is a term used by the Fourth-dimension Spacetime medical profession to say that Alternative Medicine therapies do not qualify to be labelled as medicine, because they do not meet the rigorous proof testing through the Scientific Method. Alternative Medicine is any practice that aims to achieve the healing effects of medicine despite lacking biological plausibility, testability, repeatability or evidence of effectiveness. Unlike modern medicine, which employs the scientific method to test plausible therapies by way of responsible and ethical clinical trials, producing repeatable evidence of either effect or of no effect, alternative medicine reside outside of medical science and do not originate from using the scientific method, but instead rely on testimonials, anecdotes, religion, tradition, superstition, belief in supernatural energies, pseudoscience, errors in reasoning, propaganda, fraud, or other unscientific sources. Frequently used terms for relevant practices are New Age medicine, pseudo-medicine, unorthodox medicine, holistic medicine, fringe medicine, and unconventional medicine, with little distinction from quackery. Source:

Complementary Therapies    Individualised and objective experiences gained through travelling within the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space. I would describe this as working towards homeostasis using an integrative approach for the health of the physical, emotional, mental Human Space Suit rent-a-body; and the spiritual, sound and colour energetic Interstellar Space Suit rent-a-body; and Intentions and Akashic Record of an Eternal Body.

Sound Therapies and Music Therapies include Bio Harmonics, Bio Resonances and Solfège or Solfeggio Frequencies. In Cataract lens replacement surgery using phacoemulsification (phaco), the natural lens is fragmented by an ultrasonic probe and removed by suction.

Light Therapies include the use of colour, ultraviolet, infrared, lasers to name just a few. LASIK or Lasik (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), commonly referred to as laser eye surgery or laser vision correction, is a type of refractive surgery for the correction of myopia, hyperopia, and an actual cure for astigmatism, since it is in the cornea. LASIK surgery is performed by an ophthalmologist who uses a laser or microkeratome to reshape the eye’s cornea in order to improve visual acuity.

The International Institute of Complimentary Therapists include 1,100 therapy modalities that therapists can be registered for. Refer below. Source:

Refer to the many discussions in the Short Story and the Definitions Section by Chapter.

Religion, Spirituality and Complementary Spirituality

Western Religion       Recognised, organised, structural and institutionalised methods of worship. This is a list of the sixteen largest recognised religious traditions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, the Baháʼí Faith, Eckankar, Sikhism, Jainism, Wicca, Unitarian Universalism, Shinto, Taoism, Thelema, Tenrikyo, and Zoroastrianism Source:

Spirituality     Individualised and subjective experience of a sacred dimension, and the deepest values and meanings by which people live, often in a context separate from organized religious institutions. This may involve belief in a supernatural realm beyond the ordinarily observable world, personal growth, a quest for an ultimate or sacred meaning, religious experience, or an encounter with one’s own inner dimension. Source:

Complementary Spirituality  Individualised and objective experiences gained through travelling within the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space. We can now use mathematics to explain some of the biblical Stories. Adam and Eve ate a Torus shaped Apple and then were cast out into the Torus shaped Universe from the Garden of Eden – Source Energy. The Buddha used crossed legs for mediation. The Buddha Pose is the same as the Mandelbrot Set of the Fractal calculation used to expand out into the Universe from the Big White Bang and then contract back into the Big Black Hole to the zero-point Energy. The Tesseract of a cube within a cube when folded out becomes a cross. We have a cube of a human space suit rent-a-body on the outside and another cube on the inside at the Heart Chakra as a portal to the Fifth-dimension using an interstellar space suit rent-a-body. Was Jesus saying, for us to follow him into the Fifth-dimension through the Heart Portal of the inner cube of the Tesseract? Each of us have a space vehicle known as a Merkabah with two tetrahedron three sided pyramids, one facing down and one face upwards spinning in opposite directions. The two-dimension geometric shape of the Merkabah is the Star of David. Reawaken your memory of your Merkabah and start travelling in interstellar space.  Refer to the many discussions in the Short Story and the Definitions Section by Chapter.

Non-player Character (NPC) is any character in a game that is not controlled by the actual players but tends to have predetermined behaviours that potentially will impact gameplay but not necessarily move the game forward. Another term describe NPC’s is that they are important for the background as extras to make the movie seem more illusionary. Source:

Player Character (PC)             is any character in a game that has the potential to change the outcomes. They can be described as the architects of the changed intentions and vision. Source:

Holographic Principle            is used to describe the Spacetime effects of a temporary dent in the mesh of the Quantum Gravity field as the Earth travels around the Sun. There is a lot of String Theory research that points to Matter being no more than holographic in nature. Source:

Complementary Travel Faster than Light

Complementary Travel Faster than Light     Fourth-dimension space travel has the limitation of not being able to travel Faster Than the Speed of Light because of propulsion issues. Fifth-dimension space travel is based on setting and projecting Intentions using finer energy into a space before building the Fourth-dimension Spacetime matter around the purpose of this existence. Super liminal communications. Refer to Chapter 4.

Western Cosmology Models. Lambda Cold Dark Matter Cosmology Model

Lambda-Cold Dark Matter Model     The current standard model of cosmology is the Lambda-CDM model, wherein the Universe is governed by general relativity, began with a Big Bang and today is a nearly-flat universe that consists of approximately 5% baryons, 27% cold dark matter, and 68% dark energy. Lambda-CDM has been a successful model, but recent observational evidence seem to indicate significant tensions in Lambda-CDM, such as the Hubble tension, the KBC void, the dwarf galaxy problem, et cetera. Research on extensions or modifications to Lambda-CDM, as well as fundamentally different models, is ongoing. Topics investigated include quintessence, Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and its relativistic generalization TeVeS, and cold, warm, hot, and mixed dark matter. Refer also to the description in Chapter 3 Definitions. Source:

Complementary Cosmology Model

Torus energy Cosmology Models      Non-standard, and Non-physical, Non-observable, Fifth-dimension Liminal Space Torus Energy Cosmology Models. These Torus Energy Models are covered throughout this short story. (Refer to Chapters 2 and 5)


Western DNA Repair

DNA Repair      Fourth-dimension medical process where DNA repair is a collection of processes by which a cell identifies and corrects damage to the DNA molecules that encodes its genome. Today this covers an extension area of study. Of particular interest is the work of Dr Deepak Srivastava, in the regrowth of the heart cells at a DNA level. (Refer to Chapter 6 for the videos and websites below.) The Geometry of the Chestahedron explains the structure of the Heart from a Fifth-dimension point of view. (Refer to the Complementary Geometry definition of a Chestahedron below and Chapter 6) Source:

Complementary DNA Repair

DNA Repair     Fifth-dimension Intentionality process to release karma DNA records that are stored in the 180,000-year record of the Nucleus in every cell. DNA entanglement repair is well covered by Bert Hellinger with the Family Constellations work. Dr Rupert Sheldrake provided understandings with his Morphic Resonance findings. Dr. Michael Newton (9 December 1931 – 22 September 2016), used hypnotherapy to gather a record of a Soul’s Life between Lives to clear DNA connections with family member and Karmic Akashic Records recorded in the DNA. He wrote a book ‘Destiny of Souls’ (2000) covering his examples. Source:

Western Geometry

Five Platonic Solids    In geometry, a Platonic solid is a convex, regular polyhedron in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Being a regular polyhedron means that the faces are congruent (identical in shape and size) regular polygons (all angles congruent and all edges congruent), and the same number of faces meet at each vertex. There are only five such Polyhedra. Source:

Complementary Geometry

Diminished Trapezohedron   In geometry, a diminished trapezohedron is a polyhedron in an infinite set of Polyhedra, constructed by removing one of the polar vertices of a trapezohedron and replacing it by a new face (diminishment). It has one regular n-gonal base face, n triangle faces around the base, and n kites meeting on top. The kites can also be replaced by rhombi with specific proportions. The Chestahedron is Heartistic Science. Source:

Chestahedron            Named after artist Frank Chester, is constructed with 4 equilateral triangles around the base, and the geometry adjusted so the 3 kite faces have the same area as the equilateral triangles. The geometry of the seven-sided Chestahedron explains the mathematical structure of the Heart from a Fifth-dimension point of view. It is the sixth regulated Platonic solid required for Tridecimal mathematics of 6 and 12 of the Female Energy Grid.

The Chestahedron is used to create the Fifth-dimension Torus Energy Vortex flow of blood using the Fourth-dimension heart structure. The vortex pulls the blood using the Fourth Phase of water negative charge of the Exclusion Zone (HӡOշ) around bulk water (HշO) with a positive charge. Similarly, Intentionality created in the Fifth-dimension provides a fast vortex projection for light year travel, Faster than Light, to a destination in the Fourth-dimension. Fourth-dimension propulsion is too slow to cover light year travel distances. The heart does not pump blood, but is merely the chamber for the direction of the blood flow. This concept to currently not the consensus medical understanding that it is the heart that pumps the blood. (Refer to Chapter 6, 10, 19, and 21) Source:

Stargate Project Research

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Electronic Reading Room        Electronic Reading room for publicly disclosing of information from the CIA activities and research. Source:

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)          The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the federal government of the United States, officially tasked with gathering, processing, and analysing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence (HUMINT) and conducting covert action through its Directorate of Operations.

Stargate Project Research    The Stargate Project was a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor late known as RAM and Then the Munroe Institute of Applied Sciences) to investigate the potential use for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. Source:

The Gateway Experiment or the Gateway Program            DIA and CIA research into the use of psychic and remote viewing techniques for gathering intelligence. Source:

Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences         

Robert Allan Monroe (October 30, 1915 – March 17, 1995) was an American radio broadcasting executive who became known for his ideas about altered states of consciousness and for founding The Monroe Institute which continues to promote those ideas. His 1971 book ‘Journeys Out of the Body’ is credited with popularizing the term ‘out-of-body experience.’

The Monroe Institute (TMI) is a nonprofit education and research organization devoted to the exploration of human consciousness, based in Faber, Virginia, United States. Upwards of 20,000 people are estimated to have attended TMI’s residential Gateway program during its first thirty years. TMI claims a policy of no dogma or bias with respect to belief system, religion, political or social stance. In 1978, the U.S. military evaluated TMI and arranged to send officers there for OBE training. In 1983, it sent additional officers. Source:

 Dimensions for travel in the Universe.

Spacetime       In 1908 Hermann Minkowski, Albert Einstein’s former mathematics professor, joined the three dimensions of Earth Space with Earth Time. He coined the concept of ‘Spacetime’ as the Fourth-dimension for the western world scientists. Spacetime consists of a length, a width, and a height, in Earth Time.

For uniformity in this short story, we are going to use the Zero-dimension through to the Seventh-dimension of Spacetime. In Chapter 3 we also include a classification of Earth Space without considering Earth Time. We use the Zero-dimension Earth Space to Sixth-Dimension Earth Space without including Earth Time, just to understand the arithmetic and geometric mathematics.

Nontime         The absence of time. Time is a concept of the Fourth-dimension of Spacetime. Nontime is a concept of the Fifth-dimension Liminal Space, Sixth-dimension Supernal Space, and Seventh-dimension Eternity and External Space.

Earth Time      Time or Earth Time at sea level.        Earth Time is measured at the surface of the Earth at sea level. Time, is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. Time is often referred to as the Fourth dimension, along with three spatial dimensions and is called Spacetime. However, by travelling through a Tesseract portal into the Fifth-dimension one can experience the Past Time, Present Time, Future Time, Nontime, and even Collapsed Time. Source:

Zero     Western Scientific measure of an empty or nil quantity and nil time. It is also a Western Scientific measure of a dot without a measure of a width, length, height, or time.

Zero-point Energy      This is the dot or central point of a magnetic or Toroidal Field where energy flows out from and returns to. From a Universe point of view, The Big Bang, or Big White Bang is the outflowing of energy from the centre of the Universe’s Toroidal Field. The inflowing of energy to the centre of the Universe’s Toroidal Field is described as a Big Black Hole. This is found in the Fractal calculation which is further described in Chapters 3 and 7.

Zero-dimension Spacetime               Dot, Zero, and Zero-point Energy in Space.

First-dimension Spacetime               Length to form a Line. Is a line between 2 dots. It has a length, no measure of a width or height, but does include a location on a page in Earth Time.

Second-dimension Spacetime          Length, and Width to form a Square. Western Scientific measure of a line between 3 dots, as in a triangle, 4 dots as in a square or rectangle and a line circulating back to the original dot. They include a length and a width but still have no height, but do include a location on a page in Earth Time. This is described as Abbott’s Flatland concept or Euclidian Geometry.

Third-dimension Spacetime              Length, Width, and Height to form a Cube.  Western Scientific measure of a cube with lines between 8 dots. They include a length, a width, and a height. This is the description of the outer body of a human space suit rent-a-body.

Fourth-dimension Spacetime            Length, Width, Height, Cube, and Time. Western Scientific measure of a cube as a Three-dimensional structure in Earth Time. This is called Spacetime. It is the 5% Matter of the Universe visible from Earth and currently measurable by Western Scientific instrumentation.

Measurement in the Fourth-dimension is that of the Finite (5% visible light matter that can be measured) and Infinity (5% invisible light matter that cannot yet be measured with our current instrumentation. The James Webb Telescope is assisting us to measure more of this 5% invisible light matter.) We are not talking about the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Fifth-dimension of the Universe that science cannot measure using Fourth-dimension instrumentation.

Mathematics in the Fourth-dimension, is currently the masculine calculations of 5 and 10. This is named Decimal mathematics which dominates the Earth.

Chakra points are the 7 colours of the rainbow found in the human body in Spacetime. On a larger scale they are a combination of the 9 Solfeggio Sound Frequencies and the dot which make up the central Zero-point Energy in the Male Decimal system. (Refer to Chapter 13.) Refer to the definitions for the Fifth-dimension and Sixth-dimension, in the Female Energy model, 12 Light Frequencies and the Zero-point Energy of Duodecimal and Tridecimal Systems. (Refer to Chapter 14 and Chapter 17.)

Spacetime      Western scientific measure of space, the three dimensions of matter which includes a width, a length, and a height resident in a measure of Earth Time at sea level. A combination of Earth Space with Earth Time. This is then described as the Fourth-dimension Spacetime.             Source:

Fifth-dimension Liminal Space                      Length, Width, Height, (Cube,) Time, and another Cube to form a Cube within a Cube or Tesseract. From a Western Scientific view this is the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe not currently visible from Earth using Fourth-dimension Spacetime measuring tools. From a Fifth-dimension point of view, the Fifth-dimension is the 95% Light Energy and Light Matter and energy that fills the rest of the Universe (other than Fourth-dimension matter) created by nuclear fusion. (Chapter 15.)

Liminal Space             Means on the threshold of an uncertain transition between where you have been and where you are going physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Also known as Liminality and the concept of Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism. Source: and

The Fifth-dimension holds the intentions for the creation, expansion, and collapse of the Torus Energy Field of the Universe. Concepts that are covered in this short story include:

Measurement in the Fifth-dimension is that of the Finite (95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter that can be measured with the Finer Energy consciousness of an individual) and Infinity (95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter that cannot yet be measured with the Finer Energy consciousness of the individual). Measurement of the Fifth-dimension within the Universe depends on the level of the consciousness of the individual. The individual needs a level of consciousness to travel faster than the Speed of Light as Tachyon Energy within their Merkabah space vehicle. The Fifth-dimension also starts to include the connection with the Sixth-dimension Supernal Space and the Seventh-dimension Eternal Space as Source Energy.

Mathematics in the Fifth-dimension is mainly the female calculations of 6 and 12. This is named the Duodecimal mathematics which dominates the Universe.

Chakra points are the combination of 12 chakras and the zero to make up the central Zero-point Energy. (Refer to Chapter 14 and Chapter 17.) This is also described as the Female Energy Model.

Fifth-dimension Reawakening          Entry into the Fifth-dimension from the Fourth-dimension can be achieved via the Tesseract, a cube within the cube, found at the heart chakra in the Human Space Suit rent-a-body. Connections with the Fifth-dimension are well summarised at PsychonautWiki. Source:

Sixth-dimension Supernal Space       Length, Width, Height, (Cube,) Time, Tesseract, and then add finer Sound and Light to form the Energy of OM or Aum. A space where there is a finer vibrational sound and light energy than is found in the Fifth-dimension. It is a transition location within the Universe that connects the Universe with the Seventh-dimension Eternal Space external to the Universe and to all the other Zero-dimension to Fifth-dimension within the Universe. This is also described as the Supernal-dimension.

Measurement in the Sixth-dimension is that of Encompassing thinking including the number 13 to represent the Zero-point Energy.

Mathematics of Tridecimal and Fractal calculations dominates the Big Black Holes for the connection with Source Energy external to the Universe.

Chakra point 13. (Refer to Chapter 15 and Chapter 17.)

Supernal-dimension This is the dimension explaining the nature of ‘Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,’ before being sent into the ‘apple’ shaped Torus Energy world of the Universe consisting of energy and matter. Supernal is a word to describe Source Energy’s Intentions to experience Itself in the Universe of energy and matter. It is regarded as the future emergence of Creation in this Universe; it represents Divine Light before the existence of matter in the Universe. The name ‘YHWH’ is known as a tetragrammaton (four letters), consisting of the sequence of consonants or sounds of Yod, Heh, Waw and Heh. YHWH, is the name, word, and sound of God revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. Allah is another Supernal name for God used within the Islam faith. The mathematics of music and sound is covered in Chapter 16.             Source:

Om or AUM is considered the Supernal name, word, and sound of God or Source Energy in Hinduism and Buddhism. Breath of the Universe is described in the Hindu creation story where Brahman or Parashiva (Para Shiva) splits into male (Shiva) and female (Parasakti) and manifested as the Universe at a Sixth-dimension. This is also known as the creation story of Purusha and Prakriti. Further material is discussed in Chapters 2 and 3. Source: and

12 Eternals      By using Duodecimal mathematics we see the reference to 12. The use of 12 shows up many times, including the 12 Tribes of Israel, the 12 Arab Tribes in Islam and the 12 Disciples of Jesus. From the times of Atlantis, we see the 12 Science Priests reappearing regularly during the last 12,000 years. They have incarnated to be with us during each of the ever-changing periods of enlightenment. This is well covered in the story of Rosicrucianism, the rose at the heart of the cross or tesseract. Freemasonry is a further study of the 12 Eternals with Geometry.

For simplicity we have used the names of the 12 Science Priests as described in Stewart Pearce’s book. (2011) ‘The Angels of Atlantis.’ Publisher, Inner Traditions, because the book is readily available. Other descriptions include Archangels in the Book of Enoch, see below. Source: Pearce, Stewart. (2011) The Angels of Atlantis. Inner Traditions.

Guardian Angels are other descriptions of the 12 Eternals. The two Eternals covered more specifically in this story are Metatron and Amaliel who go back 13.7 billion years. (Refer to Chapters 17 and 18.) Source:

Ksitigarbha     (pronounced shee-tee-gahr-buh). Also needs a special mention as the Ascended Master, Eternal, or Bodhisattva. Ksitigarbha has vowed not to leave us stranded on Earth, in the Sun Solar System or indeed within the Universe until all of us have reawakened and returned to the light of Source Energy. Source:

Archangels      The Book of Enoch lists Michael as one of seven archangels (the remaining names are Uriel, Raguel, Raphael, Sariel, Gabriel, and Remiel). There are many versions of the stories and names referring to the hierarchy of the Fifth-dimension and Sixth-dimension.             Source:

Seventh-dimension Eternal Space    External Energy to the Universe. The Eternal Energy external to the Universe which is also known as Source Energy or Zero-point Energy. From a religious point of view and using Fourth-dimension terminology, this Eternal Energy is sometimes called God, Allah, The Unknowable or Indescribable.

Source Energy            The External Energy or Eternal Energy that the Universe floats and resides in. It is both external to the Universe and within the Universe and is described as the Seventh-dimension Eternal Space and Zero-point Energy.

Multiverse      The name given to the Multiple Universes residing in Source Energy as is symbolised by the tree in the ‘Garden of Eden’ ladened with many fruits or Universes.

The purpose of this short story.

Reawakening            The purpose of this short story is to assist Homo sapiens resident in a Human Space Suit rent-a-body on Spaceship Earth to assimilate their experiential Reawakening as a multi-dimensional Interstellar Being. It is to remember one’s Soul Life Purpose rather than just living within one’s Human Physical Purpose. There is a new evolving species, called Homo consciousness, that will replace the Homo sapiens species, which is out of balance on Spaceship Earth. A new species will have a Reawakened connection between the Fourth-dimension and the Fifth-dimension through their tesseract, heart coherence portal. They will reactivate their other ten strands of DNA which have laid dormant for a period of time, as a result of having used only two strands of their DNA as a Homo sapiens species. They will use a fully functioning 12 strand DNA.

Also described as Molecular Mutations Conscious Evolution from Star Origins. (Chapter 4)

Soul Life Purpose       Soul is the energy that directs the Human Space Suit rent-a-body. This existed before birth and survives beyond death. It carries within itself the Intentions, at a Soul Energy or Akashic Records level, the purpose for a human sojourn. The Intentions can be said to reside in the heart coherence and the right brain. Source:

Human Life Purpose   This is the purpose that is required to survive as a human. Often directed by the left brain or ego mind. There is a need to connect and coordinate the Intentions set at a soul level of the right brain with the demands of the left-brain human level. As Albert Einstein once said, ‘The intuitive mind (Right Brain) is a sacred gift and the rational mind (Left Brain ego) is (should be) a faithful servant’

Human Space Suit rent-a-body         Fourth-dimension Homo sapiens Material Body.

Interstellar Space Suit rent-a-body  Fifth-dimension finer energy body used after death and during your Reawakened state of travelling via the interstellar space as an Oneironaut or as a Psychonaut. It can more simply be termed the Light Body or Finer Energy Body for working in the Fifth-dimension.

Sixth-dimension Space Suit rent-a-body      The Sixth-dimension body suit can best be described as the name, word, and sound of Source Energy in an individualised format at a Universe level.

Big White Bang          Physical Theory for the expansion of the Universe. Energy expanding from the North point of a magnet as a Toroidal Field. Refer to the expansion of energy in a fractal calculation and a magnetic bar. We should really call this a Big Black Bang into darkness away from the light. Scientists call it a Big White Bang because using Fourth-dimension Spacetime measures they can only measure the Original Bang as Light Energy.

Big Black Hole             Physical Theory for the collapse of the Universe. Energy collapsing into the South point of a magnet as a Toroidal Field. Refer to Sagittarius A, as the Big Black Hole of the Milky Way galaxy as noted in the Preface. Refer also to the Mandelbrot Set, Buddha Pose, Enlightenment, and Ascension through the Zero-point Energy in a fractal calculation and a magnetic bar. (Refer to Chapter 7)

We should really call this a Big White Hole, as we journey back into the light at the centre of the Torus Field. At present scientists do not have Fifth-dimension instruments to measure the 95% Light Energy and Light Matter of the Universe. They currently label this the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe.

Sun Radiant Energy   Infrared (IR; sometimes called infrared light) is electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with wavelengths longer than those of visible light and shorter than radio waves. Sustains the mineral, fungus, plant, and animal kingdoms on Earth. Source:

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