Preface for The Grand Torus Energy Experiment.

The Adventures of an Oneironaut.

It was early in the morning and a dream started to formulate in my sleep state.

A Dream in the early morning to prepare for future events.

I saw myself as a 25-year-old person in a short wheelbase white four-wheel drive SUV car. It was as if I was also above the car and could see the car at the base of a mountain range beside a creek.

Next, I was driving the car and realised there was also a black-haired woman sitting in the passenger seat. I started driving down the creek, crossing over sand and then rock pebbles as the road criss-crossed along the creek. Soon the creek became larger ponds and I had to drive over a large rock outcrop until a dirt road started and then it became bitumen. Suddenly, the black-haired woman was driving. We reached the mouth of the river and she parked the car next to a large white building. I went for a swim at the beach next to the river and I could see the massive expanse of the ocean. In front of me at the beach was a very large wharf pole sitting in the water.

Next, to my utter surprise, a large black ship passed the wharf pole. It was obviously very empty as the red painted bottom was sitting high in the water. Towards the end of the ship there was a closed in window section. The black-haired woman was staring at me through the window on the boat. It was as if, mentally, she was saying to me, ‘Come on, get on, we have a journey to make over the oceans. The white building is the wharf for you to board the ship.’

So, what is the meaning of this dream.

People in the dream represents your spiritual direction and vision. The black-haired woman was giving me a female (right-brain) perspective of the directions to follow.

Buildings and locations in a dream represent your attitudes. I travelled through the beautiful country side from the mountains to the coast which was good. I had a good understanding of the material world of knowledge. Then there was a large white building, which turned out to be my starting point for a new discovery of the ocean world of knowledge.

Vehicles in a dream represent your physical body. The car worked well while I was on land. Now, I needed an upgrade to a boat or ship for the trip over the ocean.

Overall meaning of the dream. Water often represents spiritual awareness. So, I had travelled from a creek to a river and then for a swim in the ocean. It was time for me to discover the spiritual knowledge of the ocean, the bigger picture. It looked like I was ready for a new journey over the ocean that seemed to be heading right on over the horizon.

When awaking from the dream the clock radio showed the time as 2:48. A temperature of 23 degrees Celsius, and 48% humidity.

A Fun Fact as shown in Reawakening to Ascension Worksheets. Numerology of No 44, 45, 46, 47 & 48. Numerology birth dates from 44 to 48 are considered Planetary Influencers. There was only one day that you could have been born to create a number 48 numerology chart. That date was 29 September, 1999. (2 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 48). One represents the ‘Application of Love’ on Earth, 2 is for ‘Forgiveness’ of everything that has already happened on Earth over the last 180,000 years of Homo sapiens, and 9 is the ‘Knowledge you have come with’ of the Fifth-dimension and how it should all work, by 5 times. So, with a double 48 showing on the clock and the above dream recorded, I was on the lookout for some special events to happen.

In March 2020, it was as if I had hit a brick wall, COVID-19 was rife in Australia and my massage business was forced to close. I was on full alert, ready for any signs of a metaphorical ship cruise over the oceans! This short story started to appear.

The Grand Torus Energy Experiment.

From a left-brain point of view some readers may classify this short story as a semi-autobiography of the author, Robert Vicary, as an astronaut traveller in Spacetime of the Fourth-dimension or the 5% Matter of the Universe in time, with a vivid imagination. However, from a right-brain point of view this is a record of the adventures of Tomas and Rachael as an Oneironaut Team. Tomas and Rachael are consciously aware, interstellar space travellers who, through many lucid dreams, produced this information on the knowledge beyond the Fourth-dimension western science thinking described as Spacetime. This story is Science Friction beyond the edge of Spacetime. It is an experiential encounter with the characters and mathematics of the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe, of the Fifth-dimension, Liminal Space. It is being presented to create a perturbation or movement in one’s thinking, a Conscious Evolution within the species.

This story is recorded to confirm to the many Highly Sensitive People (HSP), who are right-brain, heart based, creative thinkers and who know that they are still connected with the Fifth-dimension. Their connection with the Fifth-dimension Universe is through intuition, meditation, and dreaming. Highly sensitive people are considered as Normal Human Beings with Encompassing Thinking, even though it is not often recognised or acknowledged in schools, universities, or scientific fields of study on this Abnormal Human Doingness Earth with Dualistic Thinking.

This preface will introduce the reader, in an Infographic style, to the characters encountered and the locations where the experiences have taken place. This is also written so that a dyslexic person can view the pictures, listen to the videos and gain from the concepts covered in this material. I have tried, were possible, to include a picture and a fuller explanation of the concept with a video for further research. Many of the Ancient Mathematics and Sacred Geometry, Arithmetic, and Harmonic concepts have been rewritten and updated into current day Google English with a language development age of a 13-year-old.

You could say there is no ‘new’ information presented. I was simply asked to rewrite or reinterpret the ancient knowledge of the Age of Pisces for education and reawakening purposes for the highly sensitive people of the Age of Aquarius. We have used Encompassing Thinking of the Age of Aquarius where possible to show the difference from the heavy dependence on the use of Dualistic Thinking of the Age of Pisces.

When Carl Sagan started appearing in my ‘asleep lucid dream state’ in March 2020, and asked me to record this ‘The Grand Torus Energy Experiment,’ I was dumb founded!

My first response was:

Robert: “Carl, you have certainly picked the wrong bloke. I am dyslexic and as an accountant, my mathematics is limited to debits must always equal credits.”

Carl Sagan: “Robert, do not worry about that! You will be experiencing the concepts in your lucid dream state that we want you to write about. You have been selected because you are not employed in the scientific world and will not be sacked for reporting about the areas beyond the Fourth-dimension Spacetime. In my ‘Cosmos – A Personal Journey’ 1980’s television series, I was trying to explain the existence of the Fifth-dimension of a Tesseract, a cube within a cube in time. Back then we did not have access to the infographic tools you have today. In 1980, I was using Abbott’s Flatland concepts of a Two-dimension square trying to explain a Three-dimension sphere. Back then, I was famous for my non-conforming thinking and my brown jacket and turtle neck shirts when everyone else was still wearing suits, white shirts, and neck ties.

Title: Carl Sagan, Planetary Society. 1980.

Source: Author NASA/JPL.

Have a look at the YouTube of me talking about the Fourth-dimension (of Space.)”

Title: Flatland and the 4th Dimension – Carl Sagan. From the Cosmos Series, 1980. Prepared by Into the Void. Masters of Science Communications.

The Real Purpose of this Short Story

The real purpose of this story is to assist the newly arrived 880 million highly sensitive persons from the Pleiadian Star System (Messier 45, Alcyone, Taygeta, The Seven Sisters, Constellation Taurus), to Reawaken and Remember their Life’s Soul Purpose.

The Life’s Soul Purpose of the Pleiadian Star Seed Children is to evolve the Homo sapiens species into a new Homo consciousness species. They will expand their inherited constricted 2 strand DNA with what the scientists call the 90 percent ‘junk’ DNA, back to a fully functioning toroidal shaped 12 strand DNA. The activated 12 strand DNA in the Pleiadian Star Seed Children (HSP) will reawaken an inner vision and knowing through their green heart chakra, which is in the chest at the endocrine thymus gland. This is also known as their Tesseract portal of a cube within a cube, used for connecting with each other, the environment and interstellar travel in the Fifth-dimension, beyond the Four-dimension Homo sapiens Human Space Suit rent-a-body. This concept is well covered in the ‘Lucy’ movie (2014) and the description of Conscious Evolution.

The Current Earth Intentions were to expand away from the Light of Source Energy to experience the darkness and world of shadows. This period includes the 180,000 years of the Homo sapiens species, culminating in the last aggressive 2,166 years of the Age of Pisces. This is described as the expansion of Torus Energy through the fractal calculation. According to Hindu astrology and cosmology records this period is known as the Descending Kali Yuga (Iron Age) Era.

The New Earth Intentions set for the Age of Aquarius and beyond is simply to turn around 180 degrees and journey back towards the Light of Source Energy. This is described as the collapse of Torus Energy through the fractal calculation. According to Hindu astrology and cosmology records this period is known as the Ascending Kali Yuga (Iron age) Era.

The Pleiadian Starseed Children are often described as Empaths, Indigos, Artistic, Homo consciousness with activated 12 strand DNA. They are Right Brain, Heart Chakra, Thymus Gland, Tesseract Portal, Service orientated, and are often Architects on how to run Earth in a Humane and Loving way. Their body shapes are described as long thin rectangular Ectomorph, Ayurvedic Vata, Water Energy Vessels, with long feet. They often have more female energy traits connected with the Female Energy Grid of Mother Earth. They use Encompassing Thinking with a Normal Human Beingness about themselves. A good summary of this journey from the Pleiades is seen in the Pixar ‘Soul’ movie.

Title: Life-Changing Message of Pixar’s Soul (Movie)

The Current Rulers of the Earth could be described as left brain, logical, male dominating, separated, and self-orientated persons. They are often disconnected with other individuals, the Earth and their inner vision and knowledge of the heart chakra. They rule mainly through the Military-Industrial Complex of the corporations, elite, wealthy, churches, military, and parliaments. They are described by R Buckminster Fuller in his book ‘Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth’ (1963) as the Great Pirate Robber Baron (Industrialists) and the Bilderberg Club. They were responsible for the formation meeting of the Federal Reserve in 1910 on Jekyll Island, Georgia, and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Source: and and and and

The Current Rulers of the Earth have body shapes that are described as thick set heavy square mesomorph, Ayurvedic Pita, Fire Energy Vessels, with thick necks and short stubby feet. They often have more male energy traits connected with the Male Dominating Energy Grid recognised with Domes, Churches, Cathedrals, Castles, and War Memorial Monuments. These domes of power points located on leylines, have captured the Mother Earth Female Energy Grid and are presently being used to empower and energise the male dominance around the world. They use Dualistic Thinking with an Abnormal Human Doingness about themselves.

The format of this story will concentrate on the tools for running the Age of Aquarius. The imbalances and horrific actions of the current Homo sapiens species are well documented each day in the news articles about the effects of the Military-Industrial Complex. Do individuals in pain, produce dualistic acts of domestic violence because they are unable to remember or reawaken to their loving Soul Purpose as Fifth-dimension human beings?

 Why is the Age of Aquarius going to be different?

The Aquarian Age is going to be different. The Male Dominating Energy Grid that was overlaid on the Mother Earth Female Energy Grid about 180,000 years ago has been dismantled. The Female Energy is again rising to the surface of Earth strengthening the 880 million Highly Sensitive People to activate their 12 Strand DNA and fulfill the new Intentions that have been set for the building of the Homo consciousness species. This can be described as applying Fifth-dimension Sound and Light Intentions as Bio Harmonics in the Fourth-dimension Spacetime as matter as a Molecular Mutation Conscious Evolution from Star Origins. (Refer to Chapters 4 and 22). The geometric form of a Chestahedron, the Sixth Female Polyhedron in addition to the Five Male Platonic Solids represents the Female Human Heart Energy and the Female Earth Heart Energy. (Refer to Chapters 6 and 19).

Let me give you some Background to this Short Story.

As a 5-year-old, I was taught that the authentication for the Christian faith was based on a ghost story. Yes! Jesus appeared after being crucified at Easter as a ghost, in a finer energy, Fifth-dimension body. The ghost story was renamed the ‘Resurrection of Jesus’ as proof of the existence of life beyond death in the Fifth-dimension. Each of the disciples had become psychics with clairvoyant skills to see and speak with the Risen Christ. Yet, at home, I was told that I could not see ghosts and, unless I was good here on earth, when I died, I would become a bad ghost in hell. No one in our family had ever received a report back from a dead relative that they had made it to heaven and became a good ghost! We were taught that the existence of heaven and hell in the death state were unknowable. ‘Thus says the Lord’ is used so many times in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible as a communication process, between Homo sapiens and the Fifth-dimension beings. Yet communication with the Fifth-dimension was considered unattainable for mere mortals, like our ordinary family living in the suburbs of Brisbane, Australia!

During the summer school holidays of January 1963, when I was 11 years old, a friend named Andrew, from school come for a stopover with us at our house at Mt Nebo, just north of Brisbane, Australia. When Andrew’s mother came to collect him at the end of his visit, she brought with her a lady named, Jean McCormack.

When Jean McCormack hopped out of the car, she said to my mother, in her English accent:

Jean McCormack: “Oh dear! Your husband is going blind with a virus in his right eye.”

My Mother: “How do you know this?”

Jean McCormack: “I am a clairvoyant psychic.”

My Mother: “What is that?”

Jean McCormack: “I have an ability to read inner knowledge from the Fifth-dimension stored in your body’s Human Auric Field and your Akashic Records. By the way, a doctor brother of a friend of yours is coming from America in three weeks’ time. He will be able to send you some drops that will kill the virus. Here is your friend’s phone number. This condition is merely a physical symbol that your husband and family are not opening up to their inner vision. If you, as a family, do not open up to your Inner Vision and Knowing, your husband will contract the virus again and will die. What would you like to do with this information?”

The friend my mother contacted was the architect of our home in Brisbane and his brother from America did send the drops that killed the virus.

It was not long after this that my mother started attending weekly group psychic meetings with Jean McCormack, channelling information mainly from Red Indian Chiefs for each participant’s inner needs. Information was also given about the preparations for the coming Age of Aquarius. Something must have worked because my mother lived to 93 years of age and my father lived to the age of 98!

This started a flurry of research into the possibilities of what constituted inner vision and exploration of the Fifth-dimension. Edgar Cayce’s books were being consumed at a great rate. Edgar Cayce was known as the ‘Sleeping Prophet’ and when he died in 1945, he had given 14,000 psychic readings (by referring to the individual’s Akashic Records). Edgar Cayce lived in America from 18 March 1877 to 3 January 1945. Numerology Chart 35 = 8 represents the bringing of the new knowledge for application on Earth.

Title: Edgar Cayce. Pictured in 1910. Front page of the New York Times.

Source: and

A group of people asked Edgar Cayce how they could also gain psychic skills, inner vision, and knowledge. Edgar Cauce allocated a reading number for each person or group of enquiring minds for privacy reasons.

The series of Readings starting with number 262 included the information for the First Study Group to gain psychic skills and opening up to the Fifth-dimension. This information was applied by the First Study Group who produced the two books called ‘A Search for God’ Book One and Book Two. The First Study Group met in their own homes to research 24 aspects of God, like ‘Co-operation and Patience.’ They were also to record and interpret the information being provided about their inner vision and knowledge through their own dreams and meditation.

When I started meditating at age 12, I found that I had a sore back and could not concentrate. Instead of meditating, I started recording my dreams to listen to my inner vision and knowledge. Elsie Sechrist had written a book ‘Dreams: Your Magic Mirror,’ ARE Press, (The Edgar Cayce, Association for Research and Enlightenment) summarising many of the dream interpretations given by Edgar Cayce during his many dream readings. This was very helpful to start understanding the information coming from my inner vision and knowing of the Fifth-dimension.

So, just imagine me as a 12 year old school boy. I was a highly sensitive dyslexic who could hardly read, but knew how to interpret dreams from his inner vision and knowing! I was also asthmatic with no eye to hand or foot coordinating ball skills. However, I found a passion for cross country running and preparations for the coming of the Age of Aquarius. Dare I say, not quite the conventional fit for a masculine, macho boys’ school!

Fast forward nearly 56 years to 2020!

I had been an accountant for 40 years and am now a remedial massage myofascial therapist receiving a lucid dream, speaking with Carl Sagan the renowned astronomer, cosmologist and astrophysicist who died in 1996 at the age of 62. Amongst his many achievements, Carl Sagan wrote 600 papers and 20 books. Here he was asking me, to record the Torus Energy mathematics of the 95% of the Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe into Google English. I was flabbergasted, to say the least! I even attended a kinesiology session, which I will share with you in the story, to confirm this lucid dream had happened and was a real ‘Thus says the Lord’ moment.

An important point when reading about all that I have learnt, is not to get stuck on the mathematics, but to enjoy your journey of Reawakening and expanding beyond the self-imposed limitations of the Fourth-dimension of Spacetime on Earth. I call this Fourth-dimension material energy state as like being stuck in a ‘Human Space Suit rent-a-body,’ with a belief in a Flat-Earth cosmography.

I am sharing with you the information that I have experienced as I travelled to local stars in interstellar space. In the ‘Resurrection of Jesus’ story of his dead state, Jesus used a finer energy body which I have called an ‘Interstellar Space Suit rent-a-body’ to appear to his disciples in the Fourth-dimension spacetime.

The ‘Transfiguration of Jesus’ story is another example of how to experience travelling into the Fifth-dimension during meditation.  The Apostles Peter, James, and John joined Jesus in meditation where they saw him speak with the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah.

The term Psychonaut, covers the many ways a human can become a consciously aware traveller in the Fifth-dimension. Source:

Conservation of Total Energy

Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise du Châtelet (17 December 1706 – 10 September 1749) commonly known as Émilie Châtelet – was a French natural philosopher and mathematician. Émilie proposed and tested the hypothesis for the Conservation of Total Energy (as distinct from the Momentum of Energy) that:

‘Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.’

Title: Émilie Châtelet, Conservation of Total Energy.

Source: Author: Painting Private collection, Choisel, Château de Breteuil.

Therefore, by applying the Conservation of Total Energy finding, the universe must be energy and at least 13.7 billion years old. Then, as humans our energy record, or Akashic Record must also include 13.7 billion years of history. We have been so dumbed down by western science into believing in the limiting factors of the Fourth-dimension with a focus on the last 5,000 years of history. Homo sapiens have 180,000 years of history!

Pantheism is a non-religious cosmology philosophy. In the Fifth-dimension this would include the Universe Energy and Source Energy that the universe resides in.

Omnism is a religious cosmology philosophy where Source Energy and Universe Energy are personalised with a God description.

A discussion on many other ways of Fourth-dimension and Fifth-dimension thinking is included in the story. Enjoy the journey. Source:

The Characters, Counsellors, and Educators of this Torus Energy Story.

For ease of understanding, I am going to share with you the characters I have met during my experiences in the Fourth-dimension and the Fifth-dimension.

Firstly, there is the author or recorder of the lucid dreams, Robert Vicary who, in the story, we describe as Robert Wilson. His partner is known as Anne Wilson. It has taken Robert Wilson, in his Fourth-dimension, Homo sapiens human rent-a-body space suit, three years to transcribe these lucid dreams, research and describe the mathematics into Google English in a language development age of a 13-year-old!

Robert Wilson has both a finer male energy and a finer female energy interstellar rent-a-body space suit that does all the travelling within the Fifth-dimension. The main characters of the story are Tomas and Rachael.

Tomas is Robert Wilson’s Fifth-dimension finer male energy. Tomas looks like a 20 to 25 year old Robert Wilson. Here is a picture of Robert Wilson as a Scottish bagpiper at school provided for the visual recognition of Tomas. Tomas has many lives or energy Akashic Records in the Fifth-dimension. This bagpiper image was selected for Robert Wilson so that he can easily recognise Tomas and his connection with the work he has achieved in Scotland which is recorded later on in this story. (Refer to Chapter 22)

Title: Robert Wilson as a look-a-like Tomas in the Fifth-dimension.

Source: Robert Wilson family photo album.

Rachael is Robert Wilson’s Fifth-dimension finer female energy. We are depicting Rachael during one of her lives as a highly sensitive, Japanese woman in a yellow kimono, with a very angular Pleiadian face (Similar to many of the residents on Pleiades, Subaru, M45, Alcyone, Taygeta, or the Seven Sisters star solar system, in Constellation Taurus). See the wood cut picture below from Yumeji Takehisa held in the Ukiyoe Museum, Matsumoto, Japan. Yumeji Takehisa depicted this angular face because it was so unlike the typical rounded faces of the Japanese people at the time.

Title: Robert Wilson as a look-a-like Rachael in the Fifth-dimension.

Source: Artist: Yumeji Takehisa. and

The 3 Counsellors.

There are 3 Counsellors who guided Tomas and Rachael through their lucid dream state of experiences that have been shared in this story. The by-product of this experience is to enable Robert Wilson to fulfil his Life’s Soul Purpose, as well as his Life’s Human Purpose of educating his children and paying off the mortgage. Robert Wilson’s Life’s Soul Purpose is to provide this story of possibilities for Highly Sensitive Persons to become fully functioning Reawakened Light Workers and Ambassadors on Earth as the new Homo consciousness species.

The 3 Counsellors are:

Lord Maitreya             Enlightened Consciousness and the Future Buddha,

Luca Pacioli                 (1447 – 19 June 1517). An Italian mathematician, Franciscan friar, collaborator with Leonardo da Vinci, and an early contributor to the fields now known as bookkeeping and accounting.

Headmistress Ziah      Resident Headmistress of the Arcturian Intentions Education Centre on the already exploded Arcturus Star in the Constellation Bootes

My First Counsellor is Lord Maitreya, The 29th Buddha or The Future Buddha.

When I was sixteen years old Jean McCormack came to stay in our house for about a year while she prepared to die (or transition permanently) into the Fifth-dimension. Her Red Indian Chiefs set up ‘finer energetic tepee tents’ in our back garden to assist her. One day Jean told me, she had to give me a private channelling before she died. Jean went into a sitting sleep state and it sounded like a male voice that was speaking through her.

Lord Maitreya: “Hello Tomas, my name is Maitreya.”

So, I wrote down the name Thomas and the name Maitreya. Maitreya did not sound like the usual Red Indian Chief names that my mother had written down over the years from the psychic reading she had attended with Jean McCormack.

Lord Maitreya: “Tomas is spelt Thomas without the ‘h.’ You have correctly spelt my name. I am with you to act as your counsellor during your journey here on the planet Earth. Call on me with all your questions and treat me as a team member and companion on your Reawakening for your Soul’s Life Purpose. You have many important tasks to complete. These will be shown to you each step of the way.”

The conversation went on for a little longer before I could see that Jean was running out of energy in her frail state. When the conversation had ended and Jean had stirred awake again, I asked her a question.

Tomas: “Jean, Maitreya came through to speak with me and introduced himself as my counsellor. Who is Maitreya as I have never heard of this name before?”

Jean McCormack: “The Lord Maitreya will make himself known to you at the appropriate time. You are a very lucky person to have the Lord Maitreya as your counsellor and companion.”

We did not have the internet then and in all the Christian orientated books I had never seen a reference to a Lord Maitreya. In my 20’s, I travelled to Ceylon (later renamed Sri Lanka) to visit cultural sites of antiquity. We were taken to a cave to see a rock carved statue of a person sitting on a western style chair. The travel guide said that this was a carving of the Buddha. I then had this conversation with the guide.

Tomas: “This could not be the case, as the Buddha was always depicted as sitting with crossed legs or in a reposed position.”

The Guide: “Oh, this is a statue of the Lord Maitreya, the 29th and Future Buddha!”

I was shocked that the Lord Maitreya was my counsellor as I knew nothing about Buddhism.

Tomas: “When is the Future Buddha likely to return?”

The Guide: “The Lord Maitreya is due to arrive around this time.”

Tomas: “We, in the Christian faith were expecting the Christ to return for the transition to the Age of Aquarius around this time.”

The Guide: “Yes, this is correct. The Lord Maitreya will embody the energies and knowledge of both Siddhartha Gautama the 28th Buddha (480 BCE – 400 BCE) and the previous Christ.”

I had many questions to research now that the connection with Lord Maitreya had been made in Ceylon.

Here is a photo of the statue of the Lord Maitreya, the Future Buddha sitting as though on a western style chair in the Nubra Valley just north of Leh, in Ladakh, a northern territory of India.

Title: Lord Maitreya, the 29th and Future Buddha, Nubra Valley, Ladakh, Northern India.

Source: Author: Deepshikha Chouhan.

I have picked this massive statue just to remind our Left Brain, Ego Minds that we are in a significant transition period of consciousness. We will not be measuring our Reawakening to the Light Consciousness, in the Age of Aquarius, by the height of our tallest buildings, the size of our mega mansions, military might, or superannuation funds. The Great Pirate Robber-Barons will not be remembered for the size of their material wealth gained through laundered, untaxed funds held in ‘tax havens’ promoted by the accounting and legal professions and the banking system. This concept is well covered in the following documentary:

Title: Thrive. What on Earth will it take?

Source: and

My Second Counsellor is Luca Pacioli or Luca di Borgo. (1447 – 19 June 1517).

He was an Italian Franciscan Friar and creator of double entry Bookkeeping. What a coincidence with Robert Wilson being an accountant for 40 years! Pacioli wrote mathematics text books for the University of Perugia, Italy and was the mathematical teacher for, and collaborator with, Leonardo da Vinci.

Title: ‘Luca Pacioli’ by Jacopo de Barbari 1495.


A description of the painting and Luca Pacioli’s multiple contributions to science as a Polymath, Poly Mathematician, Mathemagician (mathematician) is noted below.

The painting shows Pacioli standing behind a table and wearing the habit of a member of the Franciscan order. He draws a construction on a board, the edge of which bears the name Euclides (Greek mathematician and founder of Euclidean geometry). His left-hand rests upon a page of an open book. This book may be Luca Pacioli’s ‘Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalità’ or a copy of Euclid’s ‘Elements.’ Upon the table rest the instruments of a mathematician: a sponge, a protractor, a pen, a case, a piece of chalk, and compasses.

In the right corner of the table there is a dodecahedron with 12 pentagonal faces making it a plutonic solid) resting upon a book bearing Pacioli’s initials. A rhombicuboctahedron (a convex solid consisting of 18 squares and 8 triangles) suspends at the left of the painting. The identity of the young man at the right is uncertain, but one commentator recognizes him as the symbol of the ‘eternal student’ being instructed by Pacioli. Other authors have mentioned the possibility that the student is Albrecht Dürer, a German painter who worked closely with Leonardo da Vinci.

As, you can see I have an expert poly mathematician to explain, experience and guide me in the mathematics I was to convert into Google English for the current time!

My Third Counsellor is Headmistress Ziah.

The name Ziah, from the Arabic and Hebrew traditions, is used by the Headmistress to describe her Beingness which includes words of Light, such as splendour, glow, opaque, soft, translucent, and radiant.

Headmistress Ziah oversees the Arcturian Intentions Education Centre on the Arcturus star in the Bootes Constellation. She acted as the General Mathematical Practitioner (GMP) directing Tomas and Rachael, to learn from mathematical specialists in their fields of consciousness. Ziah acts more like a General Practitioner (GP) on Earth. I will not spoil this story by listing all the teachers’ names here. As you read through the chapters, you will discover the names of our classroom educator teachers! I asked Beed, a Spirit Energy Artist who also travels regularly to Arcturus, to seek permission from my Headmistress to capture her likeness in a painting for use in this story.

Title: Headmistress Ziah. Painted by Beed, Spirit Energy Artist. May 2020.

Source: Commissioned Art. Painted by Beed. Spirit Energy Artist.


One could ask why I keep calling this a Short Story?

This story is just a quick snapshot of what we are experiencing at the present time during our transition to the Age of Aquarius. I will now give you some perspective of the longer story.

Arcturus is approximately 7 billion years old and acts as the Creator of Intentions for our Sun and planetary Solar System aged at a mere 4.5 billion years. It is also the Creator of Intentions for Vega, in the Constellation of Lyra, aged around 455 million years and the Pleiades, in the Constellation Taurus, aged around 100 million years. The Pleiadian star system is where the 880 million highly sensitive people have recently arrived on Earth from for the creation of the new Homo consciousness species. The commencement of the Universe, created by the Big White Bang, is measured at around 13.7 billion years ago.

Classroom Educator Teacher, Carl Sagan. Topic – Interstellar Space

You have already been introduced to Carl Sagan. Let us start off with some basic definitions.

Interplanetary Space Travel, between Earth, the Moon, and Mars.

An Astronaut is a consciously aware traveller in the Earth’s magnetic and gravitational influence of Spacetime of the Fourth-dimension. On Earth an astronaut must travel above the Karman line situated 100 Kilometres km (62 Miles mi) above the surface of the Earth. The International Space Station (ISS) flies between a Perigee (nearest) altitude of 413 km (256.6 mi) and an Apogee (furthest) altitude of 422 km (262.2 mi). USA claim to have sent a few astronauts to the moon with a Perigee altitude of 362,000 km and an Apogee altitude of 405,000 km. Mars is in USA’s sights with a distance of 60 million km (37.3 million mi).

Before I go on I want to discuss the Van Allen Radiation Belt (VARB).The VARB is a Torus or Toroidal Field of energetically charged particles of electrons and protons with radiation originating from solar wind, that are captured and held around Earth by this planet’s magnetosphere. Earth’s two main belts extend from an altitude of about 640 to 58,000 km (400 to 36,040 mi). Their main purpose is to protect the atmosphere of the Earth. Without this Toroidal Field, Homo sapiens could not exist.” Source:

Title: Van Allen Radiation Belt Model shown with 2 VA Probes. NASA.

Source: Author NASA.

Of course, we cannot bypass the Schumann Resonances. In 1952 Winifried Otto Schumann mathematically predicted that the Earth had an electromagnetic resonance. It was between 1960 and 1963 that Balser and Wagner were able to use waveguides to adequately measure the range of Schumann Resonances from 6.5 Hz to 7.83 Hz (Fundamental Mode), 14.1 Hz (Second Order), 20.3 Hz (Third Order), 27.3 Hz, and 33.8 Hz. Two frequencies that resonant in harmony will create a balance within the Earth or a human body. Two frequencies that resonant disjointedly will cause disease within the Earth or a human body.

Title: The Electromagnetic Schumann Resonances around the Earth.

Source: Author: Rudolfs Davis Strazds

Schumann Resonances are used to study lightning, transient luminous events including sprites, jets, other upper-atmospheric lightning, earthquakes, and global warming. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) instrumentation was used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere to create lightening and potentially earthquakes using disharmonic resonances. Source:  and

The Schumann Resonance can be listened to using the Royal Rife Frequencies, Quantum Healing, Bio Resonances, Alternative Healing, and Bio Harmonics as discussed in Chapter 22. Source: and and

Listen to the YouTube Bioresonance channel for Sound, Light and Harmonic geometric shapes used in therapy below.

Title: Schumann Resonance – RIFE Frequencies Treatment – Energy & Quantum Medicine with Bioresonance.

Interstellar Space Travel, between Sun star, Arcturian star and other stars.

The United States of America (USA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has sent five probes on an Interstellar projectory that will go beyond the Sun’s Heliosphere or Sun’s Heliopause. The Sun’s heliosphere is the sun’s magnetic solar wind or plasma bubble it produces as it flies through the Interstellar plasma of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Sun’s forward heliosphere is about 80 to 100 Astronomical Units (au). An ‘au’ is the distance between the Sun and the Earth of approximately 150 million km (93 million mi). The distance the Speed of Light travelled in One Light Year (ly) is 9.46 trillion km (5.88 trillion mi). One Parsec (pc) is equivalent to 3.26 light years or 206,265 au or 30.9 trillion km.

Carl Sagan assisted NASA with the mathematical calculations for both the un-manned Voyager 1 Interstellar Probe launched on 5 September 1977 and the Voyager 2 Interstellar Probe launched on 20 August 1977. Both probes have crossed beyond the Sun’s heliosphere and are still being actively observed. The Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 probes launched in 1972 are no longer being observed. NASA is hoping the New Horizons probe launched in 2006 will reach the edge of the Sun’s Heliosphere in the future.

Title: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 interstellar probes reaching Interstellar space beyond the Sun’s Heliosphere or Sun’s Heliosheath.

Source: Author NASA/Walt Feimer.

An Oneironaut is a consciously aware traveller in a lucid dream state using a finer energy body of the Fifth-dimension beyond Spacetime matter of the Fourth-dimension. We spend approximately eight hours per day in our dream state while resting our Fourth-dimension human rent-a-body space suit. We enter our lucid dream state of the Fifth-dimension through our Tesseract, the inner cube within the outer cube of our rent-a-body, located at our heart chakra portal. We achieve interstellar space travel by using our merkabah, a space vehicle. Our merkabah consists of two inverted tetrahedrons spinning in opposite directions. A Tetrahedron is a three-dimensional three-sided pyramid and is also described as a Euclidean 3-Simplex. The merkabah space vehicle enables us to travel backwards and forwards in time as well as travel in the Interstellar plasma cosmic web of the 95% Light Energy and Light Matter. This is described by western scientists as 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

By using the equivalent of Tachyon Energy ( to Travel Faster than the Speed of Light with Intentional direction we were able to visit neighbouring star systems like Arcturus (37 ly), Vega (25 ly), Pleiades, Alcyone, Taygeta, Seven Sisters, Messier 45, M45, (444 ly) and Antares (550 ly) during our lucid dream state.

The James Webb Space Telescope that was launched in 2021 has, for the first time, enabled us to observe the Light Energy and Light Matter of the 95% of the Universe beyond the Fourth-dimension of Spacetime matter that previously was classified as the 95% Dark Energy and Dark Matter.


Zero-dimension is described as a dot, Zero, and Zero-point Energy,

First-dimension is described as a line between 2 dots.

Second-dimensions is the drawing of a circle, triangle, square or rectangle with a width and length.

Third-dimensional space is when we add a height to these two-dimension objects.

Spacetime is when we add the dimension of time to a three-dimensional space matter object. In Spacetime of the Fourth-dimension, we have great difficulty trying to visualise or measure a Fifth-dimension Tesseract (a cube within a cube), the finer Light Energy and finer Light Matter of the 95% of the Universe.

Carl Sagan: “Tomas, through Robert Wilson, please share with your readers the ‘Watch’ scene of the ‘Interstellar’ movie, where Cooper communicates from the Fifth-dimension to his daughter Merv, in the Fourth-dimension, the mathematical information to save Earth.”

Tomas: “Ok, Carl I have found the YouTube. This always makes me shed a tear.”

Title: Interstellar – The Watch and the Closing Tesseract Full Scene.

In What Star Systems is this Short Story Set?

Tomas and Rachael travel to Arcturus (37 ly), Vega (25 ly), Alcyone (444 ly) in the Pleiades, and Antares (550 ly). Arcturus is in the Constellation, Bootes. Vega is in the Constellation, Lyra. Alcyone is one of the stars in the Pleiades or M45 cluster in the Constellation Taurus. Antares is in the Constellation Scorpius. Our Milky Way’s Big Black Hole is located at Sagittarius A (27,000 ly) in the Constellation Sagittarius.

Please find below a detailed map of our immediate vision of space including all these locations visited. Please click on the Source reference for a clearer view of the map. It is not required for you to digest and learn this material which has been included for your directional guidance and further research.

Title: Constellations, equirectangular plot, Menzel families.

Source: Author: Cmglee, (CMG Lee), Timwi, NASA.,_equirectangular_plot,_Menzel_families.svg

A little note explaining this map is from the Source reference.

‘Equirectangular plot of declination vs right ascension of the modern constellations, colour-coded by family and year established, with a dotted line denoting the ecliptic, by CMG Lee. Note that the right ascension axis increases from right to left to approximate the view of the night sky. Constellation boundaries are derived from (The celestial poles apparently form part of the boundaries of Ursa Minor and Octans on the rectangular map, though the poles are in fact in the interior of their respective constellations). The Milky Way bitmap is from (low-res magnitude 5 version). Thanks to Timwi for 4-colouring with each quadripoint having all colours.’

What is Torus Energy or a Toroidal Field?

A Torus is a geometric term to describe energy that flows in a doughnut shape. Examples of this can be seen with iron filings around a magnet or measured by a compass to indicate the direction of the North Magnetic Pole and South Magnetic Pole of the Earth.

Here is a chart with examples of Torus Energy that holds our whole universe together.

Title: The Geometry of Torus Energy Flow Patterns.

Source: Author: StarseedΩTobias.

This short story has covered many of the poly mathematical concepts from the history of the past for us to Reawaken to their applications in the current time to create a more harmonious world. Try not to get stuck on the mathematics but use them as keys to open your connection with the Fifth-dimension. The Preface and Chapter One explains the Why.

Complementary Energy Theories, Torus Energy Models. (Refer to Chapter 2)

Complementary Travel Faster than Light, Projection verses propulsion. (Refer to Chapter 2)

Complementary Therapies, Sound, Light, and Torus Vortices. (Refer to Chapter 3)

Complementary Spirituality, Setting Intentions, and body designs. (Refer to Chapter 4)

Complementary Cosmology. 95% Light Energy and Light Matter. (Refer to Chapter 5)

Complementary Geometry. Chestahedron Heartistic 6th Platonic Solid. (Refer to Chapter 6)

Complementary DNA Repair, 12 strand DNA and Homo consciousness.  (Refer to Chapter 6)

Read the topics that interest you and research what you are drawn to. Many of the concepts are further explained in the Definitions section from the current understanding of the Fourth-dimension Spacetime and from a Fifth-dimension Liminal Space point of view.

Why is the Age of Aquarius going to be different?

We are experiencing a Conscious Evolution to produce a new Homo consciousness species!

I share with you this Short Story documenting my opportunity to experience ‘The Grand Torus Energy Experiment’ in the near universe. So read on and enjoy.

Robert M Vicary.

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

20 November, 2023.


Fun Facts.

I photographed this clock face on the day I finished the Preface, 20 November 2023. So, I thought I would share with you some personal fun facts as a celebration.

Record in your own journal coincidences and celebrate with your counsellors the fun of life.

Title: The time on the clock for the sign off day, includes the year Robert was born, 1952.

Source: Photographer Robert M Vicary. What a coincidence.


20 /11/2023. Numerology 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 11.

A Tesseract is a Rhombic Dodecahedron or a Cuboctahedron It is also the structure of numbers 0, 0, 0, 0 to 1, 1, 1, 1. Have a look at what turned up on the clock!

Master Birth Path Numbers.

  • 11 is a Master Birth Path Number to Transmute the Physical by applying Spirit on Earth. This can be described as applying the Age of Aquarius Fifth-dimension Sound and Light Intentions as Bio Harmonics in the Fourth-dimension Spacetime as Matter.
  • 22 is a Master Birth Path to transmute the Mental. My birthdate is 31 +01 + 1952 = 22. Further explanations on what this means to Transmute the Mental can be found in Chapters 8 and 10.
  • 33 is a Master Birth Path to Transmute the Spiritual.
  • 44 is a Master Birth Path to be a Planetary Leader.
  • Female Energy Grid is based on 12, Duodecimal Mathematics. (Refer to Chapter 20)
  • Male Dominant Energy Grid is based on 10, Decimal Mathematics. (Refer to Chapter 20)


My Action Plan.

  • Reawaken, to my truly great Ambassadorship position as a member of the Homo sapiens species and develop a working relationship with my supporting team of Counsellors. To assist the Consciously Evolving Homo consciousness species to run the Earth and our section of the Universe with love and divine light.



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