Worksheet 1-1 Recording your Dreams

Sheet 1.1. Recording your Dreams. Lucid Dreaming.

Changing the outcomes in Dream Instructions.

Dreams and nightmares are directions and instructions coming from your inner self (subconscious and super-consciousness mind) to outer self (conscious and ego mind) if understood and used.

Lucid dreaming is a process of recording a dream or nightmare, reviewing the symbols, and preparing your possible meaning combination. Then, by asking for a revised dream the next night (or so), you are able to request a direct clarification of the dream meaning and an opportunity to change the nightmare or road block outcomes.

Dream Symbolism

Symbol Body Universal Meaning
People Spiritual Architect, Vision, Direction, Birth, Death, Change, Fear, Love
Buildings Mental Draftsman, Attitudes, Reactions to Events, Emotions, Forgiveness
Vehicles Physical Builder, Application, Premonitions, Precautions, Health, Sickness



  3. and dream analyser
  4. Association for Research and Enlightenment. Search. Dreams

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