Worksheet 3-1 Earth’s Got Talent (Dimensions)

Chart: Description of Earth Space Dimensions and then we add one Earth Time to create a scientific term called Spacetime Dimensions. 

Earth Space


Maths only

Physical Description Points of Connection Add one unit of Earth Time Creates the Spacetime Dimensions Ayurvedic


0 Dot.

External Source Energy

Point of Big White Bang. A   0 Earth
1 Line AB   1 Air
2 Square ABCD   2 Water
3 Cube ABCD EFGH   3 Fire
5% Matter Western world +1 4 Spacetime
4 Cube within a Cube. Tesseract ABCD EFGH


+1 5 Ether. Finite Energy
95% Matter Eastern World    

Yet to be measured

Connect with Akashic Records


Life Between Lives +1 5 Ether. Finite & Infinite Liminal
5 Connect with Source Energy Location of Eternals +1 6 Supernal Energy
External To the Universe    

Yet to be recognised

Dot. External Multiple Universes Point of Big Black Hole +1 7 Eternal Eternity dimensions

 This chart shows that Earth Space has Zero to Six Dimensions.

By adding Earth Time, we show that Spacetime has Zero to Seven Dimensions.

These above mathematical structures can be reviewed in the following chart below.

Title: Expansion from a Dot to a Tesseract of 4 dimensions of Earth Space Dimensions.

This can also be described as a scheme of construction of a hypercube up to 4 dimensions.

Source: Author: Spiritia.



Title: Tesseract central projection with parallel edges in the same colour

Source: Author: T. Piesk, Tilman Piesk or Watchduck.


Title: The squares of this torus correspond to the tesseract vertices.

Source: Author: T. Piesk, Tilman Piesk or Watchduck.

Title: Fibonacci Sequence Equation is the expansion from the zero point to infinity.

Also described as a Big White Bang. Expansion of the Universe.

Source: Author: Marbit1.

Title: The Fractal Calculation Equation in the form of the Mandelbrot Set return to zero.

Also described as a Big Black Hole. Collapse of the Universe.

Source: Author: Created by Wolfgang Beyer with the program Ultra Fractal 3.

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