Worksheets 4-2 Research notes on Body Types and Body Shapes
Benefit from knowing “What is” Your Body Type and Body Shape.
If we understand “What is” our Body Type and Body Shape we can use their benefits instead of stressing over trying to live up to an ‘advertised’ body image. There are three main body types and body shapes. Round (Gut Mind, approximately 40% of society), Square (Heart Mind Muscle about 40% of society) and Rectangular (Brain Mind) the remaining 20%. Understanding our Body Type assists us in our Integration of Head Minds, Heart Minds, and Gut Minds. To understand this, we first need to review the development of the dominant Body Types during the first 5 weeks of embryonic development.
Body Types Determination in the first five weeks of Embryonic Development.
On Arcturus, my Soul Group assisted me to select my Body Conscious Energy and Light Body Framework for the Intentions I had set for my sojourn on Earth.
Step A, ‘Design my Body’ before I arrive. This is more about clearing of Karma and building Grace for my Akashic Record.
Step B, ‘Build my Body’ during the Gestation period for my new Life, as ‘Tomas.’ The DNA choices come from the combination of say a ‘Wendy ovum’ and a ‘William sperm.’
- Design phase of the Body. Preconception or at Conception?
- Each of Wendy and William’s Nucleus cell, Nuclear Genome (nDNA) comes with a mere 180,000 years of male body choice records as a Homo sapiens species. Homo sapiens species is understood to have mutated from the Homo erectus species of 8 million years in existence. The Human Genome, Nuclear Genome contains approximately 3 billion pairs of DNA records arranged into 46 chromosomes within each cell nucleus. We use approximately 10% or 300 million DNA pairs leaving approx. 2.7 billion pairs as Junk DNA. The activation of the Junk DNA may lead to a new mutation and expansion of Conscious Evolution to create a Homo consciousness species. Refer to the ‘Lucy’ and the ‘X-Men’ movies, child prodigies and Ellen DeGeneres’ interviews of talented kids on YouTube. (Refer to Chapter 22.)
- Each of Wendy and William’s Mitochondrion cell, Mitochondrial Genome (mtDNA) comes with another 40,000 years of female body choice records as a Homo sapiens species.
- So, out of all those choice combinations, we end up with one of three dominant body types of a Gut orientated Round Body, Heart Muscle orientated Square Body or a Brain visionary orientated Rectangular Body. The latter is often the body shape for a highly sensitive person.
- Body Building. (Gestation – Carnegie Stages of Embryo development.)
- Week 1. This is the pure Fibonacci mathematical phase of splitting, expanding, and attaching to the uterus wall. The Settling in phase. More on this later about the development of the Torus Energy Light Body Framework and Acupuncture Energy meridian lines. (Refer to Chapter 15.)
- Week 2. Building of two Fascial (skin) Tubes, one for the Spinal Cord and the other for the Gut.
- Week 3. Building of the Gut and Digestive system. A Kapha body (Ayurvedic Dosha).
- Week 4. Building of the Heart muscle. A Pitta body (Ayurvedic dosha,) and
- Week 5. Building of the Brain visionary system. A Vata body (Ayurvedic Dosha).
So, you can see by week 5 the Dominant Body Type for a life time has been established.
What do the Body Types and Body Shapes look like?
What are some of the body type characteristics?
There are three main classifications of body types, also known as Somatotypes in western medicine or Doshas in ayurvedic medicine. These are:
Ectomorphic (Vata) – Rectangular and Ethereal.
- Characteristically lightly built, fragile, thin, tall, and flat chested. Indigo, highly sensitive persons, and often Mediators. Introverted enjoying isolation, and meditation.
- DNA Development– Cerebrally (Cerebrotonic) developed with visionary, intuitive tendencies, and sometimes subject to anxiety. More likely to experience a DNA mutation, and expansion.
- Embryonic Development– Week 5 Brain Head Carnegie Stage
- Athletically designed for long distance running, and cycling. Yoga. Rock climbing.
- Gender Dominance – Both female and male energies, often neutral, and multidimensional.
- Design analogy – Architect, Visionary.
- Decision Making – Uses Heart Feelings, Intuition, Multidimensional knowledge with access to the Akashic Record. Inspirational new direction. Good at integrating the right brain head into the Heart Mind.
- Food – Portion sizes for the exercise programme. Avoids glutens, sugars, drugs, red meats, coffee, and dairy. Often vegetarians and vegan.
- Bee Hive analogy – Attendants for the Queen Bee. Intentional low ego, service orientated.
- Actor body shape examples– Cate Blanchard, and Nicole Kidman. (Rectangular thin body)
- Singer body shape examples – Taylor Swift, Nattali Rize, Yantara Jiro, Lindsey Stirling.
- Educator body shape examples – Gabrielle Bernstein, Yoga with Adriene, Marianne Williamson.
- Sports body shape examples – Cyclist Cadel Evans. Australian Rules and Soccer players.
- Politicians body shape example – Jacinda Ardern, former PM NZ. (Born 26/7/1980. Numerology No 33 Master Birth path, with knowledge of superconsciousness – 6, 7, 8, 9. Application 1, 2.). Sanna Marin, former PM Finland. (Born 16/11/1985. Numerology No 33 Master Birth path, with knowledge of superconsciousness – 5, 6, 8, 9. Application with 4 times 1, 1, 1, 1.).
- Refer to Reawakening to Ascension Worksheets. Preface Sheet 2. Numerology No 44, 45, 46, 47 & 48. Planetary Influencers.
Mesomorphic (Pitta) – Square, Triangular or hour glass shaped Soldiers.
- Characteristically muscularly built, hard, thick, tight, and straight posture.
- DNA Development – Muscle and strong heart muscle (Somatotonic) developed with physical adventure, and risk taking. Extraverted, being dominant, assertive, and upfront, using head-based logic from learnt training and experiences.
- Embryonic Development – Week 4 Heart Carnegie Stage.
- Athletically good for short distance running and rugby, power gym, and extreme sports.
- Gender Dominance – Masculine energy.
- Design analogy – Builders and doers where strength is required.
- Decision Making – Left brain head based learned responses. Can be explosive interactions of the amygdala and hippocampal complex from a learned patterned process. Soldier PTSD.
- Food – Portion sizes for the exercise programme. Loves red meats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Can handle coffee and excesses. Feeds to build, and maintain the muscles.
- Bee Hive analogy – Honey harvesters in the field. Fly all day, and unconscious pollinators.
- Actor body shape example – Jennifer Lawrence in Joy, X-Men, and The Hunger Games.
- Sports body shape examples – Rugby league football, grid iron, gym, and extreme sports.
- Politician body shape examples – Most male politicians currently in power.
- Singer body shape examples – Jimmy Barnes, Elton John.
Endomorphic (Kapha) – Round and Earth Mothers.
- Characteristically, round, soft, buxom, and sometimes short. Homely, and earthy.
- DNA Development – Digestive system, (Viscerotonic) enjoying food, people, and affection, has difficulty losing weight. Complacent followers and employees, home keepers.
- Embryonic Development– Week 3 Gut Gastrulation Carnegie Stage
- Athletically designed with slow reactions. Consistent steady exercise like walking.
- Gender Dominance – Feminine energy, affection, belly laughter, and huggers.
- Design analogy – Draftsman, planner, and logical engineers. The go between visionary & doer.
- Decision Making – Slow Gut felt responses. Lots of checking, and asking of other’s opinions.
- Food – Portion sizes for the exercise programme. Loves carbohydrates, bread, sweets, chocolate, and other comfort foods.
- Bee Hive analogy – Home body beehive housekeepers who rarely venture out
- Actor Body shape example– Magda Szubanski in Kath & Kim. Rebel Wilson.
- Singers body shape examples – Opera singers, Adele.
- Sports body shape examples – Discus throwers, weight lifters, and some tennis players.
- Politician body shape examples – Pacific Island nations. North Korea.
These are the Primary classifications. All classifications are included in each body type and vary over time. Combinations of body types change in the age from 0 to 20 (90% dominant body type with 5% each of the other types), 21 to 49 (80% dominant body type with 10% each of the other types), and 50 plus (60% dominant body type with 20% each of the other types) as an approximation example.
Ayurveda Doshas and Body Types
Holistic medicine such as Ayurveda, with 5,000 years of history from India, can help diagnose illness and treat the underlying cause. This can be beneficial to many people, and if you have a consultation to determine your Ayurveda body type, it may help you gain a better understanding of your overall health, diet, exercise, and constitution. Research for an Ayurvedic Clinician near you.
The Vatha/Vata body type is mainly made up of air and ether elements.
The Pitha/Pitta body type is mainly made up of water and fire elements.
The Kapha body type is mainly made up of Minerals/Earth and Water elements.
Title: Ayurvedic symbol of the three humors (centre) surrounded by the five great elements.
Somatotypes and Body Types
Somatotype A description coined in the 1940s by the American psychologist William Herbert Sheldon to categorize the human physique according to terms borrowing from the three germ layers of embryonic development Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm
Ectoderm body type which forms the skin and nervous system .
Mesoderm body type which becomes muscle, heart, and blood vessels.
Endoderm body type which develops into the digestive tract.
Title: William Herbert Sheldon three germ layers of embryonic development. Body Types.
A third aspect you need to take into consideration is the research covering Human Genome, DNA, Nucleus cell, Nuclear Genome (nDNA), Mitochondrion cell, Mitochondrial Genome (mtDNA), Genealogical DNA Tests, Autosomal DNA Tests, Y-DNA Tests, mtDNA Tests, Haplogroup, DNA Mutations, Molecular Mutation Evolution by Natural Selection, Molecular Mutation Conscious Evolution from Star Origins, Gestation, Carnegie Stages of Embryo Development.
Your Human Space Suit rent-a-body is selected and developed in line with your Soul’s Life Purpose in the Fifth-dimension at the Arcturian or Pleiadian Intentions Education Centre with your Soul Group. Your Human Space Suit Rent-a-body is built in the Fourth-dimension during your gestation period and explained in the Molecular Mutation from a Fourth-dimension and a Fifth-dimension definition. (Refer to Definitions Chapter4.) Source: